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使用 JavaScript 解析 URL 哈希/片段标识符

[英]Parsing URL hash/fragment identifier with JavaScript

寻找一种使用 JavaScript/JQuery 将 URL 的散列/片段中的密钥对解析为对象/关联数组的方法

Here it is, modified from this query string parser :这是从这个查询字符串解析器修改的:

function getHashParams() {

    var hashParams = {};
    var e,
        a = /\+/g,  // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space
        r = /([^&;=]+)=?([^&;]*)/g,
        d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " ")); },
        q = window.location.hash.substring(1);

    while (e = r.exec(q))
       hashParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]);

    return hashParams;

No JQuery/plug-in required不需要 JQuery/插件


I'm now recommending the jQuery BBQ plugin as per Hovis's answer.我现在根据 Hovis 的回答推荐jQuery BBQ 插件 It covers all hash parsing issues.它涵盖了所有哈希解析问题。

Update (2019)更新 (2019)

Apparently there is now a URLSearchParams function - see answer from @Berkant显然现在有一个 URLSearchParams 函数 - 请参阅@Berkant 的回答

Use URLSearchParams .使用URLSearchParams Browser coverage: https://caniuse.com/urlsearchparams .浏览器覆盖范围: https : //caniuse.com/urlsearchparams It's fully supported in major browsers.主要浏览器完全支持它。 Here is a polyfill if you need to use this on unsupported browsers.如果您需要在不受支持的浏览器上使用它,这里有一个 polyfill。

How to read a simple key:如何读取一个简单的密钥:

// window.location.hash = "#any_hash_key=any_value"

const parsedHash = new URLSearchParams(
  window.location.hash.substr(1) // skip the first char (#)

console.log(parsedHash.get("any_hash_key")); // any_value

Check out the Mozilla docs I linked above to see all of the methods of the interface.查看我在上面链接的 Mozilla 文档以查看接口的所有方法。

Check out: jQuery BBQ退房: jQuery BBQ

jQuery BBQ is designed for parsing things from the url (query string or fragment), and goes a bit farther to simplify fragment-based history. jQuery BBQ 设计用于从 url(查询字符串或片段)解析事物,并进一步简化基于片段的历史记录。 This is the jQuery plugin Yarin was looking for before he put together a pure js solution.这是 Yarin 在组装纯 js 解决方案之前一直在寻找的 jQuery 插件。 Specifically, the deparam.fragment() function does the job.具体来说, deparam.fragment()函数可以完成这项工作。 Have a look!看一看!

(The support site I'm working on uses an asynchronous search, and because BBQ makes it trivial to tuck entire objects into the fragment I use it to 'persist' my search parameters. This gives my users history states for their searches, and also allows them to bookmark useful searches. Best of all, when QA finds a search defect they can link straight to the problematic results!) (我正在使用的支持站点使用异步搜索,并且因为 BBQ 使得将整个对象放入片段中变得微不足道,所以我使用它来“保留”我的搜索参数。这为我的用户提供了他们搜索的历史状态,以及允许他们为有用的搜索添加书签。最重要的是,当 QA 发现搜索缺陷时,他们可以直接链接到有问题的结果!)

Do this in pure Javascript:在纯 Javascript 中执行此操作:

var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);

var result = hash.split('&').reduce(function (result, item) {
    var parts = item.split('=');
    result[parts[0]] = parts[1];
    return result;
}, {});



{from: '2012-01-05', to:'2013-01-01'}

我正在使用jQuery URL 解析器库。

I was looking through a bunch of answers for this problem and wound up cobbling them together using one line with reduce :我正在查看有关此问题的一堆答案,并最终使用带有reduce一行reduce它们拼凑在一起:

const hashObj = location.hash.replace('#', '').split('&').reduce((prev, item) => Object.assign({[item.split('=')[0]]: item.split('=')[1]}, prev), {});

There's obviously a lot going on in that one line.在那一行中显然有很多事情要做。 It can be rewritten like this for clariry:为了清晰,它可以像这样重写:

const hashObj = location.hash.replace('#', '').split('&').reduce((prev, item) => {
  return Object.assign({[item.split('=')[0]]: item.split('=')[1]}, prev);
}, {});

您还可以使用 .hash 属性,在此滚动目录示例中演示用于单击的链接或locatioin

This jquery API does parse hash tags: https://jhash.codeplex.com/这个jQuery API解析哈希标签: https://jhash.codeplex.com/

// get the "name" querystring value
var n = jHash.val('name');

// get the "location" querystring value
var l = jHash.val('location');

// set some querystring values
    name: 'Chris',
    location: 'WI'

My answer to this question should do what you're looking for:我对这个问题的回答应该符合您的要求:

url_args_decode = function (url) {
  var args_enc, el, i, nameval, ret;
  ret = {};
  // use the DOM to parse the URL via an 'a' element
  el = document.createElement("a");
  el.href = url;
  // strip off initial ? on search and split
  args_enc = el.search.substring(1).split('&');
  for (i = 0; i < args_enc.length; i++) {
    // convert + into space, split on =, and then decode 
    args_enc[i].replace(/\+/g, ' ');
    nameval = args_enc[i].split('=', 2);
  return ret;

You might want to check out jsuri .您可能想查看jsuri It seems to work well for me.这对我来说似乎很有效。

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