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[英]How can I avoid a NumberFormatException in Java?

i searched, i found, but it all didn't work. 我找到了,但是一切都没有用。 my problem is that the NumberFormatException is thrown while I want to cast from String to double . 我的问题是,当我想从Stringdouble抛出NumberFormatException

The string array atomized contains many strings and I tried to make an output before to make them visible so I could be sure there is data. 字符串数组atomized包含许多字符串,我尝试先输出,使它们可见,所以我可以肯定有数据。 the only problem is the double value. 唯一的问题是双重值。 it is something like 5837848.3748980 but the valueOf method always throws the exception here. 它类似于5837848.3748980但是valueOf方法总是抛出异常。 I have no idea why. 我不知道为什么。

 int key = Integer.valueOf(atomized[0]);

 double value = Double.valueOf(atomized[1].trim());

 int role = Integer.valueOf(atomized[2]);

 Double newAccountState = this.bankKonto.charge(key, value, role);
 System.out.println("NEW Account State "+newAccountState);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
 System.out.println(e.getClass().toString()+" "+e.getMessage());

Exception output: 异常输出:

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "109037.0"
        at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(Unknown Source)
        at vsys.ue02.server.Bank.computeData(Bank.java:122)
        at vsys.ue02.server.Bank.run(Bank.java:160)

It works fine here. 它在这里工作正常。 So I'd assume your system locale has , rather than . 所以我假设您的系统区域设置有,而不是. for decimal separator. 用于小数分隔符。 To avoid these things you can use DecimalFormat : 要避免这些事情,您可以使用DecimalFormat

new DecimalFormat().parse("5837848.3748980");

Judging by the name of your variable - account - I assume you are dealing with money. 从你的变量的名称判断 - 账户 - 我假设你正在处理钱。 You must never use floating point types to represent money. 您绝不能使用浮点类型来代表金钱。 Use BigDecimal , or possibly int 使用BigDecimal ,或者可能是int

This is a starting point for using DecimalFormat to convert strings to numbers. 是使用DecimalFormat将字符串转换为数字的起点。 Also, if you are dealing with money and currencies, you should consider using BigDecimal instead of double. 此外,如果您正在处理货币和货币,您应该考虑使用BigDecimal而不是double。

您在一个带小数点的数字上使用Integer.parseInt - 这不是一个有效的整数 - 在堆栈跟踪中可见

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