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[英]xslt to transform format of xml document

i have the xml in a structure such as this: 我有这样的结构中的XML:

<RWFCriteria reportType="ProgramReview">
  <item id="36" name="" value="9" type="Milestone" />
  <item id="31" name="" value="9" type="Milestone" />
  <item id="33" name="" value="11" type="Milestone" />

and need to it be converted to: 并且需要将其转换为:

  <release id="9">  <milestone id="36" /> <milestone id="31" /> </release>
  <release id="11"> <milestone id="33" /> </release>

what would the XSLT look like for this transformation? 这种转换的XSLT会是什么样子?

You need to group the items based on their value attribute. 您需要根据项目的value属性对其进行分组。 If you are using xslt 1 you can do this using the Muenchian Method which would look something like: 如果您使用的是xslt 1,则可以使用Muenchian方法执行此操作,该方法类似于:

  <xsl:key name="item-value" match="item" use="@value" />

  <xsl:template match="/RWFCriteria">

      <xsl:for-each select="item[count(. | key('item-value', @value)[1]) = 1]">
        <release id="{@value}">
          <xsl:for-each select="key('item-value', @value)">
            <milestone id="{@id}" />


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