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Eclipse问题。 验证C:\\ android-sdk-windows \\ tools \\ lib \\ devices.xml时出错

[英]Eclipse problem. Error validating C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\devices.xml

Recently Eclipse started showing this error in its Error Log: 最近,Eclipse开始在其错误日志中显示此错误:

Error validating C:\\android-sdk-windows\\tools\\lib\\devices.xml 验证C:\\ android-sdk-windows \\ tools \\ lib \\ devices.xml时出错

I also noticed, when editing XML layout files (layout mode) all the dropdowns for Devices, Config and Locale are empty. 我还注意到,在编辑XML布局文件(布局模式)时,“设备”,“配置”和“语言环境”的所有下拉列表均为空。 I remember befere I used to be able to select various devices sizez, orientations, etc. here. 我记得befere我曾经能够在这里选择各种设备尺寸,方向等。

Any idea how to fix this. 知道如何解决这个问题。

Thanks. 谢谢。

I know this is old but for anyone in the future that sees this try this. 我知道这已经很老了,但是对于以后看到这个的任何人都可以尝试一下。 Unplug all android phones from computer. 从计算机上拔下所有Android手机。 Delete the devices.xml. 删除devices.xml。 Restart Eclipse. 重启Eclipse。 That worked for me. 这对我有用。


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