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[英]Drupal: drupal_get_form specify file to search


If you mean a form used as page callback, the file parameter is where you can specify a filename: 如果您的意思是将表单用作页面回调,则可以在file参数中指定文件名:

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function MODULENAME_menu(){
    return array(
        'my/form' => array(
            'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
            'page arguments' => array('MODULENAME_myform'),
            'file' => 'myform.inc',
            // ...

In that example, the function " MODULENAME_myform " that returns the form structure that drupal_get_form uses to build the page " www.yoursite.com/my/form " is stored in the file " myform.inc ". 在该示例中,函数“ MODULENAME_myform ”存储在文件“ myform.inc ”中,该函数返回drupal_get_form用于构建页面“ www.yoursite.com/my/form ”的表单结构。

use include_once , require_once or require for adding files where the form resides . 使用include_oncerequire_oncerequire来添加表单所在的文件。 drupal_get_form automatically takes care to include the form. drupal_get_form会自动注意包含表单。

for example : 例如 :

include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'modname') .'/file.php';

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