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[英]How to get distinct records in the quickviewer?

I would like to get distinct record values as a result in the quickviewer. 我想在quickviewer中得到不同的记录值。 Is there any way to do that? 有什么办法吗?

Unfortunatelly you cant. 不幸的是你不能。 Since any Quickviewer SQVI Query can be converted into an SE11 Query and even therein no DISTINCT selects are allowed, Quickviewer is not allowed to neither. 由于任何Quickviewer SQVI查询都可以转换为SE11查询,即使在其中也不允许使用DISTINCT选择,因此Quickviewer也不可以。 In pure ABAP you can do a SELECT DISTINCT (OpenSQL), but unfortunatelly not in QuickViewer. 在纯ABAP中,您可以执行SELECT DISTINCT(OpenSQL),但是很遗憾,不能在QuickViewer中执行。

This is not an answer (I would comment, but i can't, yet). 这不是答案 (我会发表评论,但我还不能)。

Do you mean distinct records from a single db table? 您是指单个数据库表中的不同记录吗? Since queries query a db table, which presumably has unique keys, the only thing to do is enforcing as input to the query all the required keys. 由于查询查询的数据库表可能具有唯一的键,因此唯一要做的就是将所有必需的键强制作为查询的输入。

Or do you mean fields of different records having different (distinct) values? 还是说不同记录的字段具有不同(不同)值? I haven't tried that, but what about injecting some extra code, from transaction SQ02, and deleting/collecting rows based on your criteria, thus ensuring distinct non-key fields in your records. 我还没有尝试过,但是如何从事务SQ02中注入一些额外的代码,并根据您的条件删除/收集行,从而确保记录中的不同非关键字段。

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