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[英]Programmatically Set Proxy Address, Port, Username, Password

Hi I need to set proxy address of IE programmatically 嗨,我需要以编程方式设置IE的代理地址

Earlier I used to use this RedTomahawk.TORActivator but it doesnot gives an option to set those proxies which requires username and password. 之前我曾经使用过这个RedTomahawk.TORActivator,但它没有提供设置需要用户名和密码的代理的选项。

How can we set those proxies which needs username and passwords 我们如何设置需要用户名和密码的代理

Please provide examples like 请提供类似的示例

void Setproxy(string ip,string port,string uname,string pwd) { ///Code here }

You could P/Invoke the WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration function. 你可以P / Invoke WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration函数。


Including example as requested: 包括要求的示例:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO
    public AccessType AccessType;
    public string Proxy;
    public string Bypass;

public enum AccessType
    DefaultProxy = 0,
    NamedProxy = 3,
    NoProxy = 1

class Program
    [DllImport("winhttp.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration(ref WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO config);

    static void Main()
        var config = new WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO();
        config.AccessType = AccessType.NamedProxy;
        config.Proxy = "http://proxy.yourcompany.com:8080";
        config.Bypass = "intranet.com";

        var result = WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration(ref config);
        if (!result)
            throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully modified proxy settings");

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