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[英]C Programming - File - fwrite

I've got a question regarding programming and files. 我对编程和文件有疑问。

    printf("%d", id_doc);
fwrite(&id_doc, sizeof(char), 1, Archivo);

I dont know why but it aint writing the value of id_doc on the binary file called 'Archivo'...what could be the problem? 我不知道为什么,但是它没有在名为“ Archivo”的二进制文件中写入id_doc的值...可能是什么问题? I added a printf of id_doc and the value was printed..I really dont know 我添加了一个id_doc的printf,并且该值已打印..我真的不知道

Ok, heres the full code(more-less): 好的,这是完整的代码(更少):

struct Medico
  int Id_Doctor;
  int Estado;
  char Nombre[60];
  char Clave_Acceso[20];
  char Especialidad[40]; 
  struct Medico *next;
void Dar_Alta_Med (int estado);
void MenuPrincipal(char enta);
int main(void)
  char enta;
void Dar_Alta_Med(int estado)
  struct Medico * head = NULL;
  struct Medico * prev, *current;
  char nombre_doc[60], especialida[40], password[20];
  int id_doc=0, estado_doc=1;
  FILE *Archivo;
 const char *md1="\n<md>\n";
  const char *id_doc1="<id_doctor> ";
 Archivo=fopen("md.dat", "ab+");
  fwrite(md1, 1, strlen(md1), Archivo);
  fwrite(id_doc1, 1, strlen(id_doc1), Archivo);
  current = (struct Medico *) malloc (sizeof(struct Medico));
      printf("%d", id_doc);
  fwrite(&id_doc, sizeof(id_doc), 1, Archivo);
  printf("Ingresa el nombre del Doctor a dar de alta: ");

Im dying here, please help :/ 我在这里快死了,请帮助:/

Try adding fflush(Archivo); 尝试添加fflush(Archivo); to force a write of all buffered data. 强制写入所有缓冲的数据。

Also, this statement: if(current->Id_Doctor=='\\0') really ought to be an else since there is no other thing it can be but '\\0' 另外,该语句: if(current->Id_Doctor=='\\0')确实应该是else因为除了'\\0'它别无其他

Three things: 三件事:

  • Make sure your fopen is successful. 确保打开成功。

     Archivo=fopen("md.dat", "ab+"); if (Archivo == NULL) { perror("Failed to open file Archivo"); ... } 
  • Make sure you are checking the success of your fwrite's. 确保您正在检查fwrite的成功。

     if (fwrite(&id_doc, sizeof(id_doc), 1, Archivo) < 1) { perror("Failed to write to file Archivo"); ... } 
  • Make sure you have a fclose to close the file properly. 确保已关闭文件以正确关闭文件。

     if (fclose(Archivo) != 0) { perror("Failed to close file Archivo"); ... } 

Now that you've post a full sample of your code I guess I should ask if error checking is just left out for brevity? 既然您已经发布了完整的代码示例,我想我应该问是否只是为了简洁而省去了错误检查? If not, you should think about adding it. 如果没有,您应该考虑添加它。

If you're expecting the value of id_doc to be in display format in the output file you'll have to convert the int to a string (using snprintf or similar) and write the string to the output file instead. 如果期望id_doc的值在输出文件中为显示格式,则必须将int转换为字符串(使用snprintf或类似方法),然后将字符串写入输出文件。

fwrite(&id_doc, sizeof(char), 1, Archivo); 

If you defined id_doc as anything other than a char it will write \\0 to the file. 如果您将id_doc定义为除char之外的任何其他字符,它将在文件中写入\\ 0。

Much cleaner would be: 更干净的是:

fwrite(&id_doc, sizeof(id_doc), 1, Archivo); 

If your first current is an Id_Doctor you have an endless loop. 如果您的第一个current是一个Id_Doctor那么您将有一个无限循环。

If there is no current after your last current that is not an Id_Doctor , you get an illegal pointer derefenciation. 如果在上一个current之后没有一个不是Id_Doctor current ,则会得到非法的指针取消折旧。

For your Problem: try the flush() family. 针对您的问题:尝试使用flush()系列。

You're passing a pointer to a FOUR-BYTE INT, but only writing ONE BYTE (the wrong byte)! 您正在传递一个指向四字节INT的指针,但仅写入一个字节( 错误的字节)!

Solution: declare id_doc as "char", not "int". 解决方案:将id_doc声明为“ char”,而不是“ int”。

You have previously written the strings "\\n<md>\\n" and "<id_doctor> " to the file Archivo , which seems to indicate that it is not a binary file at all, but rather an XML-style file. 您先前已将字符串"\\n<md>\\n""<id_doctor> "写入文件Archivo ,这似乎表明它根本不是二进制文件,而是XML样式的文件。

In this case, what you almost certainly want is: 在这种情况下,您几乎可以肯定想要的是:

fprintf(Archivo, "%d", id_doc);

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