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[英]Loading user controls dynamically

How to load a user control dynamically in a page? 如何在页面中动态加载用户控件?
I have a page that contains radioButtons. 我有一个包含radioButtons的页面。 Each click on a radio button loads a user control (.ascx) in the page. 每次单击单选按钮都会在页​​面中加载用户控件(.ascx)。
What I am doing is loading all controls at the same time, but set their visibility to false. 我正在做的是同时加载所有控件,但将其可见性设置为false。 When a user clicks a radiobutton I set the visibility of the specific user control to true. 当用户单击radiobutton时,我将特定用户控件的可见性设置为true。
As a result I am loading all the user controls on each postback. 因此,我在每个回发上加载所有用户控件。
Is there any other possible way of doing this? 还有其他可能的方法吗?

Add a div with runat server on the page with an id "divControls" for example. 例如,在页面上添加一个带有runat服务器的div,其id为“divControls”。

Asp allow you to load a user control ".ascx" dynamically. Asp允许您动态加载用户控件“.ascx”。

The below code should solve your problem. 以下代码应该可以解决您的问题。

Control ctrl = Page.LoadControl("UserControlPath");

Is there any specific reasons to hold the usercontrols in a single page? 是否有任何具体原因将用户控件保存在单个页面中?

Think about the page view state as you are loading all the controls and setting it's visibility. 在加载所有控件并设置其可见性时,请考虑页面视图状态。

I think there are two possible solutions: 我认为有两种可能的解决方案:

  1. Either create seprate page hosting different user control and when user click on the certain radio button, redirect to the respective page. 创建托管页面托管不同的用户控件,当用户单击某个单选按钮时,重定向到相应的页面。

  2. Load on demand ie when user request a user control, only then load it but removing all other loaded user controls and hence page will have only one user control at any time. 按需加载,即当用户请求用户控件时,只加载它但删除所有其他加载的用户控件,因此页面随时只有一个用户控件。

If you don't keep them in a List, and that list in session, you'll have lots of trouble. 如果你没有将它们保存在列表中,并且在会话中列出该列表,那么你将遇到很多麻烦。

Ghyath's way is the right way but you should also add them to a List. Ghyath的方式是正确的方式,但你也应该将它们添加到List。

List<Object> Usercontrols = new List<Objects>{};
Control ctrl = Page.LoadControl("UserControlPath"); 
Session["Usercontrols"] = Usercontrols;

On each postback, you need to reload your div with the controls in your List. 在每个回发中,您需要使用列表中的控件重新加载div。 Edit: I've corrected the last line. 编辑:我已经纠正了最后一行。

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