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[英]ZedGraph stacked bar with multiple points in C#

What I have is a configuration file that looks like this: 我所拥有的是一个看起来像这样的配置文件:


My x-axis is date, which I have no problem with, and if I only have a static number of instances to make up my YI would be fine, but how do I create a single stacked bar graph that automatically make points for each item for each directory? 我的x轴是日期,我没有问题,并且如果我只有一个固定数量的实例来构成我的YI会很好,但是如何创建一个单独的堆叠条形图来自动为每个项目取点每个目录?

So stacked bar 1 would be ABC, Body, Back, Arm and the example shows on 29 I added an Arm item. 因此,堆叠的条形图1将是ABC,Body,Back,Arm,并且在29所示的示例中,我添加了一个Arm项。 So bar 1 on the 28th has 5 points, the stacked bar 2 on the 29th shows 6 points. 因此,第28条的条形图1的得分为5分,第29条的堆叠条形图2的得分为6分。

I hope that makes sense.. I don't need help with anything but how to display the bars appropriately. 我希望这是有道理的。除了如何正确显示条形,我不需要任何帮助。


It wasn't clear in the question how the directories would affect the display of data so, assuming that only two bars are needed (1 for each of 2 dates), here's an example. 问题尚不清楚,假设目录仅需要两个小节(2个日期中的每个日期为1个),那么目录将如何影响数据显示。 There are two ways to format the date axis and handle the null data: 1 using AxisType.Date=DateAsOrdinal and add values of zero for dates where data is null or [2] using AxisType.Date=Date and don't add values for dates where data is null. 有两种格式化日期轴和处理空数据的方法: 1使用AxisType.Date = DateAsOrdinal并为数据为空的日期添加零值,或使用AxisType.Date = Date的[2]而不为以下值添加值数据为空的日期。 DateAsOrdinal seems to apply data to the wrong date if there is null data - which seems to be a bug or at least unintuitive. 如果数据为空,则DateAsOrdinal似乎将数据应用于错误的日期-这似乎是一个错误或至少不直观。 The example uses the AxisType.Date=Date approach which required extra formatting of the date axis. 该示例使用AxisType.Date = Date方法,该方法需要对日期轴进行额外的格式化。

     using ZedGraph;


     GraphPane myPane = zg1.GraphPane; // zg1 is a ZedGraph control.

     // Set the title and axis label
     myPane.Title.Text = "Stacked Bar, ZedGraph ver";
     myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Value";

     // Create two dates.
     XDate date1 = new XDate(2010, 11, 28); // First date.
     XDate date2 = new XDate(2010, 11, 29); // Second date.

     // Create data lists and bars for A, B, C, Back, Body and Arm (6 total).

     ZedGraph.PointPairList listA = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
     listA.Add( date1, 12 );
     listA.Add( date2, 13);

     BarItem barA = zg1.GraphPane.AddBar("A", listA, Color.Red );
     barA.Bar.Fill = new Fill( Color.Red );

     ZedGraph.PointPairList listB = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
     listB.Add(date1, 12);
     listB.Add(date2, 12);

     BarItem barB = zg1.GraphPane.AddBar("B", listB, Color.Blue);
     barB.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Blue);

     ZedGraph.PointPairList listC = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
     listC.Add(date1, 13);
     listC.Add(date2, 12);

     BarItem barC = zg1.GraphPane.AddBar("C", listC, Color.Green);
     barC.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Green);

     ZedGraph.PointPairList listBack = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
     listBack.Add(date1, 122);
     listBack.Add(date2, 122);
     BarItem barBack = zg1.GraphPane.AddBar("Back", listBack, Color.Red);
     barBack.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Red, Color.White, Color.Red);

     ZedGraph.PointPairList listBody = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
     listBody.Add(date1, 112);
     listBody.Add(date2, 112);
     BarItem barBody = zg1.GraphPane.AddBar("Body", listBody, Color.Blue);
     barBody.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Blue);

     ZedGraph.PointPairList listArm = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
     // listArm.Add(date1, 0); // Not needed for XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date.
     listArm.Add(date2, 20);
     BarItem barArm = zg1.GraphPane.AddBar("Arm", listArm, Color.Green);
     barArm.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Green, Color.White, Color.Green);

     // Done creating bars.

     myPane.BarSettings.Type = BarType.Stack;  // stacks bar rather than side-by-side.
     myPane.BarSettings.ClusterScaleWidth = 1; // Widen bars somewhat.

     // Format the X axis.
     XAxis x = myPane.XAxis;

     x.Type = AxisType.Date;
     x.Scale.Format = "yyyy-mm-dd";
     x.Scale.BaseTic = date1; // Puts the first major tic at the first date.
     x.Scale.Min = date1 - 0.5; // Manually set the left of the graph window just prior to the first date.
     x.Scale.Max = date2 + 0.5; // Manually set the right of the graph window just after the last date.

     // Setting the step size...
     // Isn't required if AxisType.Date is DateAsOrdinal.
     // Docs says that MinorStep is ignore for AxisType.Date but seems inaccurate.
     // Step value of 24 was derived by trial and error. Seems it should be 1 if Unit = DateUnit.Day.
     // A value of 24 implies that the Units are acting like DateUnit.Hour.
     x.Scale.MajorUnit = DateUnit.Day; 
     x.Scale.MinorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
     x.Scale.MinorStep = 24; 
     x.Scale.MajorStep = 24;

     zg1.AxisChange(); // Update graph.

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