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[英]Why does this code not work in IE8 and to a lesser degree IE7

I have the following code for an zoomable map. 我有以下代码可缩放的地图。 Works on FF and Safari etc, but dies after you go in and out of the various levels one or two times. 适用于FF和Safari等,但是在您进入和退出各个级别一两次后会死亡。 The zoom then ceases to function and the links just die. 然后,缩放功能停止工作,链接消失。 IE7 lasts a bit longer but still eventually just stops working. IE7可以使用更长的时间,但最终仍然会停止工作。 Hard to figure. 很难估计。 This code is from a plugin by HiFi and Joel Sutherland. 这段代码来自HiFi和Joel Sutherland的插件。 I have left messages on his blog and sent an email to HiFi but no response so I am hoping someone here can help. 我已经在他的博客上留言,并向HiFi发送了电子邮件,但没有回应,所以我希望这里的人可以为您提供帮助。 BHere is the main code: 这是主要代码:

 * Copyright (C) 2009 Joel Sutherland.
 * Liscenced under the MIT liscense
 * TODO:
 * 1. Create API
 * 2. Address accesibility automatically
 * 3. Make object oriented

(function($) {
    $.fn.zoommap = function(settings) {
        settings = $.extend({
            zoomDuration: 1000,
            zoomClass: 'zoomable',
            popupSelector: 'div.popup',
            popupCloseSelector: 'a.close',
            bulletWidthOffset: '10px',
            bulletHeightOffset: '10px',
            showReturnLink: true,
            returnId: 'returnlink',
            returnText: 'Return to Previous Map'
        }, settings);

            var map = $(this);
            $(this).data('currentId', '');

            function showMapById(id){
                var region = findRegion(settings.map, id);
                if(region != -1){

            // recursive id find
            function findRegion(root, id){
                if(root.id == id){
                    return root;
                    if(root.maps != undefined){
                        for(var i=0; i<root.maps.length; i++){
                            var possible = findRegion(root.maps[i], id);
                            if(possible != -1)
                                return possible;
                return -1;

            // region is a map
            // This gets called every time we zoom
            function displayMap(region){
                //Set Current Region Id
                $(this).data('currentId', region.id);

                //Clear the Map and Set the Background Image
                    backgroundImage: 'url(' + region.image + ')',
                    width: settings.width,
                    height: settings.height
                var check = map.css('background-image');

                //Load RegionData

            //Show Return Link
            function showReturnLink(region){
                map.append('<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="' + settings.returnId + '">' + settings.returnText + '</a>');
                $('#' + settings.returnId).hide().fadeIn().click(function(){

            //Load the Bullets 
            function loadRegionData(region){
                var url = region.data;
                map.load(url, {}, function(){
                    //place bullets
                        var coords = $(this).attr('rel').split('-');
                        $(this).css({left: addpx(Number(coords[0]) - rempx(settings.bulletWidthOffset)), top: addpx(Number(coords[1]) - rempx(settings.bulletHeightOffset))})
                    //Set up each submap as an item to click
                    if(region.maps != undefined){
                        for(var i=0; i<region.maps.length; i++){
                    //Create Return Link
                    if(settings.showReturnLink && region.parent != undefined){

            function showPopup(id, leftbul, topbul){
                var boxid = '#' + id + '-box';


            //add a clickable image for a region on the current map
            function addZoom(region){
                $('<img />').addClass(settings.zoomClass)
                        src: settings.blankImage,
                        id: region.id
                        position: 'absolute',
                        width: region.width,
                        height: region.height,
                        top: region.top,
                        left: region.left,
                        cursor: 'pointer'
                        //hide neighboring bullets and zoomables
                        var width = settings.width;
                        var height = settings.height;
                            width = region.scanwidth;
                            height = region.scanheight;
                               .attr('src', region.image).load(function(){
                                                width: width,
                                                height: height,
                                                top: '0px',
                                                left: '0px'
                                            }, settings.zoomDuration, '', function(){

            function rempx(string){
                return Number(string.substring(0, (string.length - 2)));

            function addpx(string){
                return string + 'px';

            function showHash(string){
                string = string.replace('#', '');

            //initialize map
            var hash = self.document.location.hash;
            if(hash.length > 0)

            return this;

And also there is a setup file: 还有一个安装文件:


/* Show jQuery is running */
$('h1').css({textDecoration: 'underline'});

        // Width and Height of the Map
        width: '697px',
        height: '415px',

        //Misc Settings
        blankImage: '/assets/images/map/blank.gif',
        zoomDuration: 1000,
        bulletWidthOffset: '10px',
        bulletHeightOffset: '10px',

        //ids and classes
        zoomClass: 'zoomable',
        popupSelector: 'div.popup',
        popupCloseSelector: 'a.close',

        //Return to Parent Map Link
        showReturnLink: true,
        returnId: 'returnlink',
        returnText: 'return to previous map',

        //Initial Region to be shown
        map: {
            id: 'world',
            image: '/assets/images/map/continents.jpg',
            data: '/assets/popups/world.html',
            maps: [
                id: 'africa',
                parent: 'world',
                image: '/assets/images/map/africa2.jpg',
                data: '/assets/popups/africa.html',
                width: '156px',
                height: '148px',
                top: '188px',
                left: '270px',
                maps: [
                    id: 'ethiopia',
                    parent: 'africa',
                    image: '/assets/images/map/ethiopia.jpg',
                    data: '/assets/popups/ethiopia.html',
                    width: '79px',
                    height: '47px',
                    top: '150px',
                    left: '425px'
                id: 'asia',
                parent: 'world',
                image: '/assets/images/map/asia2.jpg',
                data: '/assets/popups/asia2.html',
                width: '302px',
                height: '198px',
                top: '50px',
                left: '380px',
                maps: [
                    id: 'nepal',
                    parent: 'asia',
                    image: '/assets/images/map/nepal-india.jpg',
                    data: '/assets/popups/nepal.html',
                    width: '66px',
                    height: '88px',
                    top: '265px',
                    left: '208px'
                    id: 'phillippines',
                    parent: 'asia',
                    image: '/assets/images/map/phillippines.jpg',
                    data: '/assets/popups/philippines.html',
                    width: '40px',
                    height: '54px',
                    top: '310px',
                    left: '350px'


The second bit sets up the various maps and their siblings. 第二位设置各种地图及其兄弟姐妹。

As I said, it works fine in FF and Safari but simply dies in IE. 就像我说的那样,它在FF和Safari中工作正常,但在IE中就死了。

All help is very much appreciated. 非常感谢所有帮助。

Dave 戴夫

This is Joel -- author of the plugin. 这是Joel-插件的作者。

It doesn't work because it depends on the 'load' event correctly firing -- which IE doesn't always do. 它不起作用,因为它取决于正确触发的“ load”事件-IE并非总是如此。 I will release an improvement at some point. 我会在某个时候发布改进。

Until then, just use the solution provided in the comments on the post: http://www.gethifi.com/blog/a-jquery-plugin-for-zoomable-interactive-maps#comment-497ea133d5f642b4a375d18d421c0bc0 在此之前,只需使用帖子评论中提供的解决方案即可: http : //www.gethifi.com/blog/a-jquery-plugin-for-zoomable-interactive-maps#comment-497ea133d5f642b4a375d18d421c0bc0

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