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[英]NHibernate Mapping a Table Were the Primary Key is Also a Foreign Key

I have 2 tables as follows: 我有2个表如下:

create table Users
 UserId int primary key identity not null

create table UserExternalKeys
 UserIdRef int primary key not null,
 ExternalKey varchar(50) unique not null

alter table UserExternalKeys
add constraint fk_UsersExternalKeys_Users
foreign key (UserIdRef)
references Users (UserId)

Each user can have a 0 or 1 external keys. 每个用户可以拥有0或1个外部密钥。 Things are setup this way because adding a nullable unique column to SQL Server does not allow for more than 1 null value. 事情是通过这种方式设置的,因为向SQL Server添加可为空的唯一列不允许多于1个空值。

Based on Ayende's post , it seems like this could be handled using a <one-to-one> mapping. 根据Ayende的帖子 ,似乎可以使用<one-to-one>映射来处理。 However, this would require the UserExternalKeys table to have its own primary key. 但是,这将要求UserExternalKeys表具有其自己的主键。

The new schema would look something like this: 新架构看起来像这样:

create table Users
    UserId int primary key identity not null,
    ExternalKeyRef int null

create table UserExternalKeys
    UserExternalKeyId int primary key identity not null,
    ExternalKey varchar(50) unique not null

alter table Users
add constraint fk_Users_UsersExternalKeys
foreign key (ExternalKeyRef)
references UserExternalKeys (UserExternalKeyId)

I think this would work, but it feels like I would only be adding the UserExternalKeyId column to appease NHibernate. 我认为这样可行,但感觉我只会添加UserExternalKeyId列来安抚NHibernate。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

If a user can have 0 or 1 external keys why not design the tables as: 如果用户可以拥有0或1个外部密钥,为什么不将表设计为:

create table Users
    UserId int primary key identity not null
    ExternalKey varchar(50) null

and use one of the known workarounds for this problem. 并使用已知的解决方法之一来解决此问题。 If you're using SQL Server 2008 you can use a filtered index . 如果您使用的是SQL Server 2008,则可以使用过滤索引 If you're using an earlier version you can use a trigger, an indexed view (2005), or the nullbuster workaround . 如果您使用的是早期版本,则可以使用触发器,索引视图(2005)或nullbuster解决方法

You could also keep your original schema and map the relationship as one-to-many from Users to UserExternalKeys. 您还可以保留原始架构,并将关系从“用户”一对多映射到UserExternalKeys。 Map the collection as a private member and expose access to it through a property: 将集合映射为私有成员,并通过属性公开对它的访问:

private IList<UserExternalKeys> _externalKeys;

public string ExternalKeys
        if (_externalKeys.Count() == 1) 
            return _externalKeys.ElementAt(0).ExternalKey;
            // return null or empty string if count = 0, throw exception if > 1
        if (_externalKeys.Count() == 0) { // add key and set value }
        else { // set value if count = 1, throw exception if > 1 } 

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