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Internet Explorer中的内存不足问题

[英]Out of memory issue in Internet Explorer

One of my web Applications which uses auto-refresh after every 5 mins when run in Internet explorer gives OUT OF MEMORY At LINE XXXX error and then it has to be restarted. 我的一个Web应用程序之一,它在Internet Explorer中运行时每5分钟使用一次自动刷新,但在XXXX行出现内存不足的错误,然后必须重新启动。

My application makes a Ajax call every 5 minutes to get new Data and replace existing contents with new one. 我的应用程序每5分钟进行一次Ajax调用,以获取新数据并用新内容替换现有内容。 iam clearing all refrences to existing data so that it becomes garbage collection elgible and doesnt lead to memory leaks but still i get this error. 我会清除对现有数据的所有引用,以使它变得可忽略的垃圾回收并且不会导致内存泄漏,但是仍然出现此错误。

Any help would be good..... 任何帮助都会很好.....

If you get OutOfMemory on server side you have memory growth. 如果在服务器端获得OutOfMemory,则内存会增加。 I am sorry. 对不起。 :( I'd suggest you to use one of popular Java profilers to locate the source of you problem. Alternative way is try to simplify the application as much you can. Good luck. I am sure that you can find the problem using profiler very quickly. :(我建议您使用一种流行的Java事件探查器来定位问题的根源。另一种方法是尝试尽可能简化应用程序。祝您好运。我敢肯定,您可以使用事件探查器找到问题所在很快。


IE have limitation to number of element able to use + request timeout. IE对能够使用+请求超时的元素数量有所限制。 If you use AJAX call to replace content, it should not make your memory up. 如果使用AJAX调用替换内容,则不应占用您的内存。

my suggest is that you run HttpWatch - http://www.httpwatch.com/ 我的建议是您运行HttpWatch- http: //www.httpwatch.com/

then trace down how many call you make, if it only one and page size never increase, you may have to optimize your code (use local variable instead of global etc). 然后跟踪您调用的次数,如果只有一个调用且页面大小从未增加,则可能必须优化代码(使用局部变量而不是全局变量等)。

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