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[英]Is the W3C or any standards body working on a single standard for Entity Attribute ORM definitions?

There are literally dozens of XML, YAML, JSON, and nested array based (that whole convention over configuration thang) standards for describing : Database tables, Classes, Maps between Tables and Classes, Constraints, User Interface descriptions, Maps between Entities and User Interfaces, Rules for user Interfaces, etc. Every major language has a system and competing standards. 从字面上看,有数十种基于XML,YAML,JSON和嵌套数组的标准(有关配置的整体约定),用于描述:数据库表,类,表和类之间的映射,约束,用户界面描述,实体和用户界面之间的映射。 ,用户界面规则等。每种主要语言都有一个系统和相互竞争的标准。 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_object-relational_mapping_software] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_object-relational_mapping_software]

Some "patterns" like Active-Record are getting implemented in PHP, Python, Ruby, Java etc. But there is no single consensus XML or the nested array thingy de-dur. 诸如Active-Record之类的一些“模式”正在PHP,Python,Ruby,Java等中实现。但是,没有单一的共识XML或嵌套数组。 mean while back in Redmond, Microsoft is crafting XML standards for, well, everything and now with the Entity Framework they have yet another ORM standard. 意味着,当回到Redmond时,Microsoft正在为所有内容精心设计XML标准,现在借助Entity Framework,他们又有了另一个ORM标准。

Entity Framework + WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) + WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) + WF (Windows Workflow Foundation) + LINQ (language-integrated query) = ??? 实体框架+ WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)+ WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)+ WF(Windows Workflow Foundation)+ LINQ(语言集成查询)= ???

I recall Mozilla's XUL was a nifty thing, but it did not include ORM. 我记得Mozilla的XUL很漂亮,但是它不包括ORM。 Seems like Microsoft is creating a massive set of standards, in XML, that can be used to define entire classes of applications from web, to mobile, to thin client desktop, to traditional heavy desktop app...all, incredibly...with a single set of standards. 似乎微软正在以XML创建大量标准,可用于定义从Web,移动,瘦客户端桌面,传统重型桌面应用程序等所有类型的应用程序……所有这些都令人难以置信……一套标准。

So ... to conclude ... W3C has XForms ... but (we) need an ORM standard to move things along, something that can be implemented in PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Objective C, Perl, Javascript, C++, and oh ya C#. 等等……总结……W3C具有XForms……但是(我们)需要一个ORM标准来推动事物发展,可以在PHP,Python,Ruby,Java,Objective C,Perl,Javascript,C ++中实现,还有C#。 If it's active record...ok...fine...but I some how think that the problem is much bigger than Active Record can handle all by itself. 如果它是活动记录...好...很好...但是我有些人认为问题比Active Record本身可以解决的要大得多。

To answer the question: no; 要回答这个问题: not that I am aware of. 不是我知道的。

This being said, XForms doesn't much to do with ORM. 话虽这么说,XForms与ORM无关。 With XRX, it can be seen as the opposite of ORM, the goal being to avoid mapping, and the complexity it creates. 对于XRX,可以将其视为ORM的反义词,其目标是避免映射及其创建的复杂性。 If you use the same data structure (XML in the case of XRX) to hold data all the way, from your UI, to the services you call, to your database, you avoid data transformation and mapping, reducing the complexity of your system. 如果您使用相同的数据结构(对于XRX,则为XML)一直保存数据,从UI到调用的服务再到数据库,则可以避免数据转换和映射,从而降低了系统的复杂性。

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