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Rails:当模型已经存在时如何运行`rails generate scaffold`?

[英]Rails: How to run `rails generate scaffold` when the model already exists?

I'm new to Rails so my current project is in a weird state.我是 Rails 的新手,所以我当前的项目处于一种奇怪的状态。

One of the first things I generated was a "Movie" model.我生成的第一件事是“电影”模型。 I then started defining it in more detail, added a few methods, etc.然后我开始更详细地定义它,添加一些方法等。

I now realize I should have generated it with rails generate scaffold to hook up things like the routing, views, controller, etc.我现在意识到我应该用rails generate scaffold生成它来连接路由、视图、控制器等。

I tried to generate the scaffolding but I got an error saying a migration file with the same name already exists.我尝试生成脚手架,但收到错误消息,指出已存在同名的迁移文件。

What's the best way for me to create scaffolding for my "Movie" now?现在为我的“电影”创建脚手架的最佳方式是什么? (using rails 3) (使用导轨 3)

TL;DR : rails g scaffold_controller <name> TL;DR : rails g scaffold_controller <name>

Even though you already have a model, you can still generate the necessary controller and migration files by using the rails generate option.即使您已经有了一个模型,您仍然可以使用rails generate选项生成必要的控制器和迁移文件。 If you run rails generate -h you can see all of the options available to you.如果您运行rails generate -h您可以看到所有可用的选项。


If you'd like to generate a controller scaffold for your model, see scaffold_controller .如果您想为模型生成控制器脚手架,请参阅scaffold_controller Just for clarity, here's the description on that:为了清楚起见,这里是关于它的描述:

Stubs out a scaffolded controller and its views.存根脚手架控制器及其视图。 Pass the model name, either CamelCased or under_scored, and a list of views as arguments.传递模型名称,CamelCased 或 under_scored,以及作为参数的视图列表。 The controller name is retrieved as a pluralized version of the model name.控制器名称被检索为模型名称的复数形式。

To create a controller within a module, specify the model name as a path like 'parent_module/controller_name'.要在模块内创建控制器,请将模型名称指定为类似“parent_module/controller_name”的路径。

This generates a controller class in app/controllers and invokes helper, template engine and test framework generators.这会在 app/controllers 中生成一个控制器类并调用助手、模板引擎和测试框架生成器。

To create your resource, you'd use the resource generator, and to create a migration, you can also see the migration generator (see, there's a pattern to all of this madness).要创建您的资源,您将使用resource生成器,而要创建迁移,您还可以看到migration生成器(看,所有这些疯狂都有一个模式)。 These provide options to create the missing files to build a resource.这些提供了创建丢失文件以构建资源的选项。 Alternatively you can just run rails generate scaffold with the --skip option to skip any files which exist :)或者,您可以使用--skip选项运行rails generate scaffold以跳过任何存在的文件:)

I recommend spending some time looking at the options inside of the generators.我建议花一些时间查看生成器内部的选项。 They're something I don't feel are documented extremely well in books and such, but they're very handy.我觉得它们在书籍等中没有得到很好的记录,但它们非常方便。

Great answer by Lee Jarvis , this is just the command eg; Lee Jarvis回答很好,这只是命令,例如; we already have an existing model called User:我们已经有一个名为 User 的现有模型:

rails g scaffold_controller User

For the ones starting a rails app with existing database there is a cool gem called schema_to_scaffold to generate a scaffold script.对于使用现有数据库启动 rails 应用程序的人,有一个很酷的 gem,称为schema_to_scaffold来生成脚手架脚本。 it outputs:它输出:

rails g scaffold users fname:string lname:string bdate:date email:string encrypted_password:string

from your schema.rb our your renamed schema.rb.从您的schema.rb我们您重命名的schema.rb. Check it核实

In Rails 5 , you can still runRails 5 中,您仍然可以运行

$rails generate scaffold movie --skip

to create all the missing scaffold files or创建所有丢失的脚手架文件或

rails generate scaffold_controller Movie

to create the controller and view only.仅创建控制器和视图。

For a better explanation check out rails scaffold如需更好的解释,请查看Rails 脚手架


$ rails g scaffold movie --skip

You can make use of scaffold_controller and remember to pass the attributes of the model, or scaffold will be generated without the attributes.可以使用scaffold_controller记得传递模型的attributes ,否则会生成没有属性的脚手架。

rails g scaffold_controller User name email
# or
rails g scaffold_controller User name:string email:string

This command will generate following files:此命令将生成以下文件:

create  app/controllers/users_controller.rb
invoke  haml
create    app/views/users
create    app/views/users/index.html.haml
create    app/views/users/edit.html.haml
create    app/views/users/show.html.haml
create    app/views/users/new.html.haml
create    app/views/users/_form.html.haml
invoke  test_unit
create    test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb
invoke  helper
create    app/helpers/users_helper.rb
invoke    test_unit
invoke  jbuilder
create    app/views/users/index.json.jbuilder
create    app/views/users/show.json.jbuilder

I had this challenge when working on a Rails 6 API application in Ubuntu 20.04 .我在Ubuntu 20.04 中处理Rails 6 API 应用程序时遇到了这个挑战。

I had already existing models, and I needed to generate corresponding controllers for the models and also add their allowed attributes in the controller params .我已经有模型,我需要为模型生成相应的控制器,并在控制器 params 中添加它们允许的属性

Here's how I did it :这是我如何做到的

I used the rails generate scaffold_controller to get it done.我使用rails generate scaffold_controller来完成它。

I simply ran the following commands:我只是运行了以下命令:

rails generate scaffold_controller School name:string logo:json motto:text address:text

rails generate scaffold_controller Program name:string logo:json school:references

This generated the corresponding controllers for the models and also added their allowed attributes in the controller params , including the foreign key attributes.这为模型生成了相应的控制器,并在控制器参数中添加了它们允许的属性,包括外键属性。

create  app/controllers/schools_controller.rb
invoke  test_unit
create    test/controllers/schools_controller_test.rb

create  app/controllers/programs_controller.rb
invoke  test_unit
create    test/controllers/programs_controller_test.rb

That's all.就这样。

I hope this helps我希望这有帮助

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