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如何将参数传递给ASP.NET MVC 2中的自定义ActionFilter?

[英]How to pass parameters to a custom ActionFilter in ASP.NET MVC 2?

I'm trying to create a custom ActionFilter which operates on a set of parameters that would be passed to it from the controller. 我正在尝试创建一个自定义ActionFilter,它操作一组参数,这些参数将从控制器传递给它。

So far, my customer ActionFilter looks like this: 到目前为止,我的客户ActionFilter看起来像这样:

public class CheckLoggedIn : ActionFilterAttribute
    public IGenesisRepository gr { get; set; }
    public Guid memberGuid { get; set; }

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        Member thisMember = gr.GetActiveMember(memberGuid);
        Member bottomMember = gr.GetMemberOnBottom();

        if (thisMember.Role.Tier <= bottomMember.Role.Tier)
                .RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Member", action = "Login" });


I know I still need to check for nulls, etc. but I can't figure out why gr and memberGuid aren't successfully being passed. 我知道我仍然需要检查空值等,但我无法弄清楚为什么没有成功传递grmemberGuid I'm calling this Filter like this: 我这样称为过滤器:

    [CheckLoggedIn(gr = genesisRepository, memberGuid = md.memberGUID)]
    public ActionResult Home(MemberData md)
        return View(md);

genesisRepository and md are being set in the controller's constructor. genesisRepositorymd正在控制器的构造函数中设置。

I'm not able to get this to compile. 我无法将其编译。 The error I get is: 我得到的错误是:

Error   1   'gr' is not a valid named attribute argument because it is not a valid attribute parameter type
Error   2   'memberGuid' is not a valid named attribute argument because it is not a valid attribute parameter type

I double checked that gr and memberGuid were the same types as genesisRepority and md.memberGUID , What is causing these errors? 我仔细检查了grmemberGuidgenesisReporitymd.memberGUID类型相同,是什么导致了这些错误?


Thanks to jfar for offering a solution. 感谢jfar提供解决方案。

Here's the Filter I ended up using: 这是我最终使用的过滤器:

public class CheckLoggedIn : ActionFilterAttribute

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        var thisController = ((MemberController)filterContext.Controller);

        IGenesisRepository gr = thisController.GenesisRepository;
        Guid memberGuid = ((MemberData)filterContext.HttpContext.Session[thisController.MemberKey]).MemberGUID;

        Member thisMember = gr.GetActiveMember(memberGuid);
        Member bottomMember = gr.GetMemberOnBottom();

        if (thisMember.Role.Tier >= bottomMember.Role.Tier)
            filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(
                new RouteValueDictionary(
                    new { 
                        controller = "Member", 
                        action = "Login" 


This is a way to make this work. 这是一种使这项工作的方法。 You have access to the ControllerContext and therefore Controller from the ActionFilter object. 您可以从ActionFilter对象访问ControllerContext,从而访问Controller。 All you need to do is cast your controller to the type and you can access any public members. 您需要做的就是将控制器转换为类型,您可以访问任何公共成员。

Given this controller: 鉴于此控制器:

public GenesisController : Controller
    public ActionResult Home(MemberData md)
        return View(md);

ActionFilter looks something like ActionFilter看起来像

public class CheckLoggedIn : ActionFilterAttribute
    public IGenesisRepository gr { get; set; }
    public Guid memberGuid { get; set; }

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        /* how to get the controller*/
        var controllerUsingThisAttribute = ((GenesisController)filterContext.Controller);

        /* now you can use the public properties from the controller */
        gr = controllerUsingThisAttribute .genesisRepository;
        memberGuid = (controllerUsingThisAttribute .memberGuid;

        Member thisMember = gr.GetActiveMember(memberGuid);
        Member bottomMember = gr.GetMemberOnBottom();

        if (thisMember.Role.Tier <= bottomMember.Role.Tier)
                .RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Member", action = "Login" });


Of course this is assuming the ActionFilter isn't used across multiple controllers and you're ok with the coupling. 当然这是假设ActionFilter没有在多个控制器上使用,你可以使用耦合。 Another Option is to make a ICheckedLoggedInController interface with the shared properties and simply cast to that instead. 另一个选项是使用共享属性创建ICheckedLoggedInController接口,然后简单地转换为该接口。

You can only use constant values for attribute properties; 您只能对属性属性使用常量值; see a this page for a full explanation. 请参阅此页面以获取完整说明。

Attributes are essentially metadata added to a type. 属性本质上是添加到类型的元数据。 They can only use const values, instead of instance variables. 它们只能使用const值,而不是实例变量。 In your case you are tying to pass in your instance variables of genisisRepository , etc. This will fail to compile as they are not compile time constants. 在你的情况下,你想要传递genisisRepository等的实例变量。这将无法编译,因为它们不是编译时常量。

You should look into Dependency Injection for Action Filters to achieve this, typically using an IoC container. 您应该查看动态过滤器的依赖注入以实现此目的,通常使用IoC容器。

Also, if your ActionFilter is performing a post ActionResult action, such as OnActionExecuted , you could probably get away with storing something in the route data: 此外,如果您的ActionFilter正在执行PostResult操作,例如OnActionExecuted ,您可能会在路径数据中存储一些内容:

public ActionResult Index()
  ControllerContext.RouteData.DataTokens.Add("name", "value");
  return View();

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