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[英]Beginner PHP help needed

I have been learning PHP for some time now and I wanted one clarification. 我已经学习PHP已有一段时间了,我想澄清一下。

I have seen the preg_match function called with different delimiting symbols like: 我看过preg_match函数调用时使用了不同的定界符号,例如:




Today I also saw % being used. 今天,我还看到%被使用。

My question is two part: 我的问题分为两个部分:

What all characters can be used? 什么字符都可以使用?

And is there a standard ? 有没有标准?

Any 任何

  • non-alphanumeric 非字母数字
  • non-whitespace and 非空格和
  • non-backslash ASCII character 非反斜杠ASCII字符

can be used as delimiter. 可以用作分隔符。

Also if you using the opening punctuation symbols as opening delimiter: 另外,如果您使用开头标点符号作为开头分隔符:

( { [ <

then their corresponding closing punctuation symbols must be used as closing delimiter: 那么必须将其对应的结束标点符号用作结束定界符:

) } ] >

The most common delimiter is / . 最常见的定界符是/
But sometimes it's advised to use a different delimiter if a / is part of the regex. 但是有时,如果/是正则表达式的一部分,则建议使用其他定界符。

Example: 例:

// check if a string is number/number format:
if(preg_match(/^\d+\/\d+$/)) {
  // match

Since the regex contains the delimiter, you must escape the delimiter found in the regex. 由于正则表达式包含定界符,因此您必须转义在正则表达式中找到的定界符。

To avoid the escaping it is better to choose a different delimiter, one which is not present in the regex, that way your regex will be shorter and cleaner : 为了避免转义,最好选择其他定界符,它不在regex中,这样您的regex会更短更整洁


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