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[英]Is there TAB control and how to open page2 from button click?

Is there TAB control and how to open page2 from button click ? 是否有TAB控件以及如何从按钮点击打开page2?

On asp.net ? 在asp.net上?

I work with C# and Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.NET 我使用C#和Visual Studio 2008和ASP.NET

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

The standard ASP.NET controls that ship with the .NET Framework do not include a tab control. .NET Framework附带的标准ASP.NET控件不包含选项卡控件。 However you can find a number of implementations on the internet, I would suggest you look the jQuery UI . 但是你可以在互联网上找到许多实现,我建议你看一下jQuery UI

As for the button click redirecting to page2 you can handle the button click event on the server side and use a Response.Redirect("page2.aspx") to redirect the users browser to the desired page. 对于按钮单击重定向到page2,您可以处理服务器端的按钮单击事件,并使用Response.Redirect(“page2.aspx”)将用户浏览器重定向到所需的页面。 Other alternatives exist like using an anchor (link) which will request the second page directly. 存在其他替代方案,例如使用将直接请求第二页的锚(链接)。



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