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[英]how can i have multiple lines of text centered if they are not wide enough, and justified if they fill the entire width?

I have a large paragraph that I want to keep in one p tag. 我有一个很大的段落要保留在一个p标签中。 I have seen some solution, but it requires every line to be in a different tag. 我已经看到了一些解决方案,但是它要求每一行都在不同的标签中。

the idea is to have lines justified and centered at the same time. 想法是使线条同时对齐并居中。 I know in CSS it does not make sense as the property text-align defines both for some strange reason. 我知道在CSS中这是没有意义的,因为text-align属性出于某种奇怪的原因而定义了两者。

before posting a solution, please create one <p> or <div> or whatever you want, fill it with three lines of text, and make sure that the first two are justified, and the last one is centered. 在发布解决方案之前,请创建一个<p><div>或任何您想要的内容,用三行文本填充它,并确保前两行对齐,最后一行居中。 That is exactly what I am asking for. 这正是我要的。

I understood your original question and the clarification to be asking for two different things. 我理解您最初提出的问题以及要求提供两种不同内容的说明。

If you're trying to make a page that displays short text centered and a long paragraph justified then you could use javascript to check the length of the text and apply the appropriate style. 如果您要使页面显示的短文本居中且长段落对齐,则可以使用javascript检查文本的长度并应用适当的样式。

It would be pretty straightforward to do something like this with jquery: 用jquery做这样的事情很简单:

<p id='fixed_text'>
  Text above a certain length can be displayed as justified and shorter text can be centered
var maxLength = 100;
function sizeParagraph(){
  if($('#fixed_text').text().length > maxLength){
  } else {

Rationale: if the height() is equal to the line-height, the paragraph (or any block element) gains the class "oneliner" (which is centered with a css rule). 基本原理:如果height()等于line-height,则该段落(或任何块元素)将获得“ oneliner”类(以css规则为中心)。

css: CSS:

    all Ps should be {
        text-align: justified;
        height: auto;
    } by default  
.oneliner {text-align: center}

js: js:

    $('p').each(function(){ // change the "p" selector at will
        var $this = $(this);
        if(Math.round(parseFloat($this.css('lineHeight'), 10)) == $this.height())

Note that this will not work if you have nested images or block elements taller than the paragraph's line-height, or if the height is not auto. 请注意,如果嵌套的图像或块元素的高度大于段落的行高,或者高度不是自动的,则此方法将无效。

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