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适用于iPhone App的iOS4兼容性

[英]iOS4 Compatibility for iPhone App

I want to upgrade my iPhone app from iOS3 to iOS4. 我想将我的iPhone应用程序从iOS3升级到iOS4。

Once I upgrade to iOS4, which versions of previous iOS does the app support? 升级到iOS4后,该应用程序支持哪些以前的iOS版本? For eg. 例如。 will it support iOS3, iOS2, etc. 是否支持iOS3,iOS2等

Thanks! 谢谢!

It will depend on what features you implement. 这将取决于您实现的功能。 If you implement a feature that is specific to iOS 4 (like in-app sms), then that feature will not run on previous versions. 如果您实现特定于iOS 4的功能(如应用内短信),则该功能将无法在以前的版本上运行。 In some cases this may cause you app to not function on old versions. 在某些情况下,这可能会导致您的应用无法在旧版本上运行。 Make sure the feature is available at runtime before you try to use it. 在尝试使用该功能之前,请确保该功能在运行时可用。

In your target's build settings there is 'Base SDK' and 'Deployment Target'. 在目标的构建设置中,有“基础SDK”和“部署目标”。 'Base SDK' is the newest iOS that you want to compile for, while 'Deployment Target' is the oldest iOS that you want your app to function on. “基本SDK”是您要编译的最新iOS,而“部署目标”是您希望其应用在其上运行的最旧的iOS。

You can set the Deployment Target of your application to the base version of the SDK that you want your app to be compatible with. 您可以将应用程序的“部署目标”设置为您希望应用程序兼容的SDK的基本版本。 Once set, your app will be compatible with all versions of the SDK from the deployment target through the current version. 设置后,您的应用将与从部署目标到当前版本的所有版本的SDK兼容。

The iOS 4 SDK can build an app that'll run on iOS 3.0—by setting the project's Deployment Target to same—but no earlier. 通过将项目的“部署目标”设置为相同,iOS 4 SDK可以构建可在iOS 3.0上运行的应用程序,但不能早于此。 On the other hand, just about nobody is still running 2.x, so that limitation isn't likely to be a problem. 另一方面,几乎没有人仍在运行2.x,因此限制不太可能成为问题。

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