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[英]printf function in c


Everything in C is passed by value. C中的所有内容都按值传递。

Even things that look like they're passed by reference (ie, pointers to variables so that you can change the underlying variables) are in fact the values of the pointers being passed by value. 即使事情看起来像他们按引用传递(即指针变量,这样你可以改变的基础变量),实际上指针的被按值传递。


call by reference is not applicable in c. 通过引用呼叫不适用于c。 As in c we can't create alias of any variable,so eiher call by value or call by pointer mechanism is supported here.. 在c中我们不能创建任何变量的别名,因此这里支持按值调用或通过指针机制调用。

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