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[英]request a page content by the way of ajax.but the javascript code in that page is not executed

When I click the 'AjaxButton' to request the page 'ajax.jsp' by the way of ajax.the value of 'html' is the code of 'ajax.jsp', but when I append it to div '#ajaxHtml',the is lost, alert('window msg'); 当我单击'AjaxButton'通过ajax请求页面'ajax.jsp'时,'html'的值是'ajax.jsp'的代码,但是当我将其附加到div'#ajaxHtml'时,丢失了,alert('window msg'); is not executed,click the 'methodOne' button is not execute too; 未执行时,单击“ methodOne”按钮也未执行;

        alert('jquery init method!');

the code above is not executed too! 上面的代码也没有执行!

why ? 为什么呢? How can I solve this problem,or is another way to achieve the same? 我该如何解决这个问题?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/mobile/mobile/common/script/jQuery/jquery.mobile-1.0a2.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/mobile/mobile/common/script/jQuery/jquery-1.4.4.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/mobile/mobile/common/script/jQuery/jquery.mobile-1.0a2.js"></script>

            function ajaxTo(){
                    url: '${ctxPath}/cf/customFormTemplateAction!context.action',//ajax.jsp
                    type: 'POST',
                    data: {fileName:'ajax'},
                    success: function( html ) {
    <body style="background-Color:red;">
        <div id="zhaosheng" style="border:10px solid lightblue;">
            <div id="page" data-role="page" style="border:2px solid blue;" data-theme='d' data-zhaosheng='zhaosheng'>
                <div data-role="header" data-position="inline" data-position="fixed">
                <div data-role="content">
                    <a id="ajax" data-role="button"  rel="external">AjaxButton</a>
                    <div id="ajaxHtml"></div>
                <div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">

<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/mobile/mobile/common/script/jQuery/jquery.mobile-1.0a2.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/mobile/mobile/common/script/jQuery/jquery-1.4.4.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/mobile/mobile/common/script/jQuery/jquery.mobile-1.0a2.js"></script>

        <script defer="defer">
            function methodOne(){
                alert('This is a test message!');
                alert('jquery init method!');
            alert('window msg');
    <body >
  <a href='javascript:methodOne();'>methodOne</a>

You can't insert a HTML page into a div . 您不能将HTML页面插入div Use an iframe instead. 请改用iframe

I had the same problem. 我有同样的问题。 The only way to solve it is like Aaron answered: use an iframe to receive the html page. 解决此问题的唯一方法就像Aaron回答:使用iframe接收html页面。 But remembers this: the code from an iframe CAN'T act beyond the iframe. 但是请记住这一点: iframe中的代码不能在iframe之外起作用。 In other words, the script inside the iframe can't do anything to the page where the iframe is inserted, but script on the page can access everything in the iframe. 换句话说,iframe中的脚本无法对插入iframe的页面执行任何操作,但是页面上的脚本可以访问iframe中的所有内容。

jquery mobile loads everything that You simply link to with AJAX requests.Just link to the page and it will do it properly. jQuery mobile会加载您只需通过AJAX请求链接到的所有内容。只需链接到页面,它将正确执行。 Just don't use rel=external (unnecessarily). 只是不要使用rel=external (不必要)。 If you need to use POST - it works with forms too. 如果您需要使用POST-它也适用于表单。 If you want to do it yorself despite that - follow the metodology. 尽管如此,如果您想自己做,请遵循气象学。

You shouldn't load the whole html content into a div - it's really messy. 您不应该将整个html内容加载到div中-这真的很乱。 If you use ajax, you're interested only in the body of the loaded page. 如果使用ajax,则只对已加载页面的正文感兴趣。 Even if you put in the whole html document - the jquery code you created there will not run, because the DOMready event does not fire - the site did not load as a document, it's you who put the whole thing inside an existing DOM. 即使您放入整个html文档-您创建的jquery代码也不会运行,因为不会触发DOMready事件-该网站并未作为文档加载,但是您还是将整个内容放入了现有的DOM中。 The code will not work. 该代码将无法正常工作。

To make it work - define the function in a <script> block inside the body and call the function after loading the bit into the page. 要使其起作用,请在主体内的<script>块中定义该函数,然后在将该位加载到页面中之后调用该函数。

To make jquery work with new content that you inject to DOM - see the related question at http://jquerymobiledictionary.dyndns.org/faq.html 要使jquery处理您注入DOM的新内容-请参阅http://jquerymobiledictionary.dyndns.org/faq.html上的相关问题

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