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[英]The variable is assigned but never used

int i, j;
i = j = 1;

j is highlighted by VS 2010 with warning: j由VS 2010突出显示并发出警告:

The variable is assigned but never used 变量已分配但从未使用过

Why i is "used" and j - is not? 为什么i被“使用”而j不是?

An addition with cooperation with Daniel: 与丹尼尔合作的补充:

int i, j, k, l, m;
i = j = k = l = m = 1;

Only m is highlighted. 仅突出显示m

I think it's a bug, It should be in reverse order, = operator is a right precedent operator according to Microsoft documentation. 我认为这是一个错误,它应该是相反的顺序, =运算符是根据Microsoft文档的正确的先行运算符 So when we have i = j = 1 it should parse it as i = (j = 1) in this case value of j used to initialize i so the compiler should say i initiated but never used, not j . 因此,当我们有i = j = 1时,它应该将其解析为i =(j = 1),在这种情况下j值用于初始化i因此编译器应该说i启动但从未使用过,而不是j

Technically this should be the case for both i and j 从技术上讲,这应该是ij

EDIT: 编辑:

I have again checked the code 我再次检查了代码

int ii, jj;
ii = jj = 1;

using Reflector to generate IL I found 使用Reflector生成IL我发现

.maxstack 2
.locals init (
    [0] int32 ii,
    [1] int32 jj)
L_0000: nop 
L_0001: ldc.i4.1 //pushes the integer value of 1 onto the evaluation stack
L_0002: dup //copies the current topmost value on the evaluation stack, and then pushes the copy
L_0003: stloc.1 
L_0004: stloc.0 
L_0005: ret 

From this, it would make it seem that 1 is assigned to ii, and then ii is copied to jj. 由此,它似乎将1分配给ii,然后将ii 复制到jj。

This is a limitation of the Visual Studio C# compiler. 这是Visual Studio C#编译器的限制。 We can't answer because we haven't implemented it. 我们无法回答,因为我们尚未实施。

Original answer 原始答案

i is probably used later in your function, while j isn't. i可能会在你的函数中使用,而j则不是。

To remove the "probably", you should post the whole function. 要删除“可能”,您应该发布整个功能。 ( Update: This is not true. The whole code inside main is what the OP posted.) 更新:这不是真的。主要内部的整个代码是OP发布的内容。)


Actually, it is intended behaviour for i to not be highlighted as a warning, because it is initialised from the value of a variable. 实际上, i是不将其突出显示为警告,因为它是根据变量的值初始化的。 This warning is only ever given when the variable is assigned from a compile-time constant. 仅在从编译时常量指定变量时才会发出此警告。

Try out the following code: 试试下面的代码:

int i = 0;
string s = "string";
string t = "another string";
string u = t;
var v = new string('v', 1);
var y = new XElement("hello");

Only i and s are given warnings. 只有is被给予警告。 According to this post , this is intended (although for a rather questionable reason IMO). 根据这篇文章 ,这是有意的(尽管IMO有一个相当可疑的原因)。

So really the mystery here is why there are any warnings at all! 所以真正神秘的是为什么会有任何警告!

I tried this on Visual Studio 2010 Professional and got no such warning. 我在Visual Studio 2010 Professional上试过这个并没有得到这样的警告。 What flavour of VS2010 are you using? 您使用的VS2010有什么味道? I use Professional at work and Express at home, and find the Express version less accurate with warnings. 我在工作中使用Professional,在家中使用Express,并且发现Express版本不太准确并带有警告。

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