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[英]Single sign-on using a hosted service

I am to create a small single sign-on solution for a small site I am making. 我要为我正在创建的小型站点创建小型的单点登录解决方案。 My requirements are that the user should be able to login using Facebook or OpenId. 我的要求是用户应该能够使用Facebook或OpenId登录。 I can't figure out if I should find a free third party hosted single signon solution, if available, or if I should code it myself. 我不知道是否应该找到免费的第三方托管的单点登录解决方案(如果有),还是应该自己编写代码。

Do you usually create the single signon solution for a small site yourself, or find a 3rd party option? 您通常是自己为小型网站创建单点登录解决方案,还是找到第三方选项?

For a large solution I wouldn't have hesitated to create it myself, but since it is just a small site for fun, it might be overkill. 对于大型解决方案,我会毫不犹豫地自己创建它,但是由于它只是一个小型的娱乐场所,因此可能会显得过时了。

Existing libraries cover everything you need so you don't have to create much. 现有的库可以满足您的所有需求,因此您无需创建太多库。

Using either http://www.dotnetopenauth.net/ or http://www.janrain.com/products/engage you're doing almost the same amount of work to wire everything together. 使用http://www.dotnetopenauth.net/http://www.janrain.com/products/engage,您所做的工作几乎相同,需要将所有内容连接在一起。

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