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[英]What resources exist to teach me how to use web services in Java?

I'd like to learn to use web services in java, but I can't figure out how to get started. 我想学习在Java中使用Web服务,但是我不知道如何开始。

Are there any websites which could teach me these concepts, particularly those which include example code? 是否有任何网站可以教我这些概念,尤其是那些包含示例代码的网站?

试试这个JAX-WS hello world示例,以了解Web服务如何在Java中工作的基本知识。

In addition, I would recommend you getting and at least scanning through JSR-224 (Java API for XML-Based Web Services), which is de facto API for building Web Services in Java. 另外,我建议您至少阅读一下JSR-224 (基于XML的Web服务的Java API),它实际上是在Java中构建Web服务的API。 It is very technical document, but might help you understanding on how to use one or another feature of Java Web Services. 这是一个非常技术性的文档,但是可能有助于您了解如何使用Java Web Services的一个或另一个功能。 As it comes to implementation, you have a choice of multiple frameworks. 在实现方面,您可以选择多个框架。 One of them - Apache CXF - is mentioned in other comments along with links to the tutorials. 其中之一-Apache CXF-在其他评论中以及与本教程的链接中被提及。

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