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尝试使用gigya php sdk设置状态时出现问题

[英]Problem when trying to set status using gigya php sdk

I am using gigya javascript sdk for authentication purposes on my site. 我在我的网站上使用gigya javascript sdk进行身份验证。 It works well. 它运作良好。 But I recently decided to try the php sdk, I was able to set status to twitter and linkedin using the php sdk but this I am able to retrieve the uid using the javascript api and when i use to setstatus using php sdk i get an error unauthorised user. 但是我最近决定尝试使用php sdk,我能够使用php sdk将状态设置为twitter和linkedin,但是我能够使用javascript api来检索uid,而当我使用php sdk来setstatus时,我得到了一个错误未经授权的用户。

I appreciate any help. 感谢您的帮助。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Have you enabled wall updates in the Gigya site setup page? 您是否在Gigya网站设置页面中启用了墙更新? This is required for using setStatus. 这对于使用setStatus是必需的。 Just to be sure, take a quick look at the notes under "Supporting Providers": 可以肯定的是,请快速浏览“支持提供者”下的注释:

http://wiki.gigya.com/030_API_reference/020_REST_API/socialize.setStatus http://wiki.gigya.com/030_API_reference/020_REST_API/socialize.setStatus


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