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[英]Table causing IE to go into compatibility view mode (ASP.NET)

I have a table with 3 rows, each with an ASP.NET panel with a gridview in it. 我有一个包含3行的表,每行都有一个带有gridview的ASP.NET面板。 For some reason, this is causing IE8 to go into compatibility view mode, which isn't really ideal. 由于某种原因,这导致IE8进入兼容性视图模式,这并不是很理想。 If I change the table to 3 seperate divs, this works but if I use divs some functionality (ie max height) doesn't work as it does on tables. 如果我将表格更改为3个单独的div,则可以使用,但是如果我使用div,则某些功能(即最大高度)将无法与表格一起使用。 I've also tried 3 seperate tables but to no avail. 我也尝试了3个单独的表,但无济于事。

I would post code but it's on another machine at the moment, I'm just wondering if anyone has ever come across an issue like this. 我会发布代码,但是目前它在另一台机器上,我想知道是否有人遇到过这样的问题。

EDIT: For both of your questions, I do have a valid doctype(XHTML 1.0 transitional) and there are the only data in the tables is in td tags. 编辑:对于您的两个问题,我确实有一个有效的doctype(XHTML 1.0过渡版),并且表中唯一的数据在td标记中。

As pointed out by @Inrbob, you must have a valid doctype at the top of your html. 正如@Inrbob指出的那样,您必须在html的顶部具有有效的文档类型。 Besides check element nesting carefully - you can not put div directly under <table> or <tr> ; 除了仔细检查元素嵌套外,您不能将div直接放在<table><tr> it must be within <td> . 它必须在<td>


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