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[英]Hibernate cache in grails domain class

I have a domain class in grails 1.5 that represents data from a table that seldom changes. 我在grails 1.5中有一个域类,该域类表示很少更改的表中的数据。 How can I configure hibernate's cache so the class accesses the table let's say only once per hour? 我该如何配置休眠的高速缓存,以使该类每小时访问一次表?

Thanks 谢谢

Drop an ehcache.xml into grails-app/conf. 将ehcache.xml拖放到grails-app / conf中。 You can take one, for instance, from %grails_home%/lib/ehcache-core-XXX.jar , ehcache-failsafe.xml. 例如,您可以从%grails_home%/lib/ehcache-core-XXX.jar和ehcache-failsafe.xml中获取一个。

In defaultCache tag, put in timeToLiveSeconds="3600" . 在defaultCache标记中,放入timeToLiveSeconds="3600"

Though, cache won't give you an absolute guarantee - for instance, it won't pre-cache, and some instances can be pushed out. 不过,缓存不会为您提供绝对的保证-例如,它不会进行预缓存,并且某些实例可以推出。

EDIT : In case you're interested in per-class caching strategy, a sample : 编辑 :如果您对每个类的缓存策略感兴趣,请参考以下示例

<cache name="org.appfuse.model.User"
    overflowToDisk="false" />

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