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[英]In Perl, how can I convert a binary string to an integer?

I have a four-byte string read from a binary file, which is supposed to represent an integer. 我有一个从二进制文件读取的四字节字符串,它应该表示一个整数。 How do I dervive the integer? 我如何设置整数?

Example: 例:

my $s = '\xa8e2~';
my $i = stoi($s);
printf "%X", $i;  #gives "0x7e3265a8"

The solution in C is simply: C中的解决方案很简单:


$i = unpack("s", $s)可能有效,但它取决于有符号/无符号和字节顺序,所以你可能会在这里结束: http//perldoc.perl.org/perlpacktut.html#Integers


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