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[英]Creating my first web app, what technologies to use?

I want to make my first web app but don't know which is the best combination of technologies to use. 我想制作我的第一个Web应用程序,但不知道哪种技术是最好的组合。 The web app would be based on a Windows app I made with Visual Studio using C#. 该Web应用程序将基于我使用C#使用Visual Studio制作的Windows应用程序。 Basically what the web page needs to do is to create some content dynamically based on an XML file on the server and then download data from Yahoo Finance to upload the content constantly. 基本上,网页需要做的是基于服务器上的XML文件动态创建一些内容,然后从Yahoo Finance下载数据以不断上载内容。 The user would be able to change "views" to display different subsets of the content, so the page is modified dynamically. 用户将能够更改“视图”以显示内容的不同子集,因此可以动态修改页面。 The content is not user specific, but some parts of the page need to be created dynamically from the content of the XML file because it is updated daily, so I don't have to rewrite the page each time. 内容不是特定于用户的,但是页面的某些部分需要根据XML文件的内容动态创建,因为它每天都会更新,因此我不必每次都重写页面。

Hope I am making myself clear, I am relatively new to developing and have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, and XML. 希望我能说清楚自己,我对开发还比较陌生,并且具有HTML,CSS,JavaScript,C#和XML的基础知识。

Do you know what are the best and easiest technologies to achieve something like this? 您知道实现这种目标的最佳和最简便的技术是什么吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Best and easiest are probably conflicting requirements... IMHO if you're looking at VS Web development then you have Best = MVC, Easiest = WebForms. 最好和最简单可能是相互冲突的需求...恕我直言,如果您正在查看VS Web开发,那么您将得到Best = MVC,最简单= WebForms。

You will need to use all the languages you mention. 您将需要使用您提到的所有语言。

If it's already build in Visual Studio... ASP.NET seems the obvious choice. 如果它已经在Visual Studio中构建,则ASP.NET似乎是显而易见的选择。 You just have to recreate your front-end as a web project. 您只需要将前端重新创建为Web项目即可。

I'll have to go for the ASP.NET MVC way. 我将不得不采用ASP.NET MVC方式。 Since is your first webapp it will be easier for you to learn the MVC pattern as if you were already initiated in the WebForms world. 由于这是您的第一个Web应用程序,因此您将更容易学习MVC模式,就好像您已经在WebForms世界中启动一样。 Also, MVC is more dynamic and seems to apply better to your situation. 此外,MVC更动态,似乎更适合您的情况。 The downside of MVC is the learning curve, but totally worth it. MVC的缺点是学习曲线,但完全值得。

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