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[英]Deploying FluorineFx solution to host

I have a dead simple .NET/FluorineFX project to test remoting with Flex, and it works locally when running the development server, however, when I point the flex app to the deployed version on my virtual hosting account, I get a NetConnection error, specifically: 我有一个简单的.NET / FluorineFX项目,无法通过Flex测试远程处理,并且在运行开发服务器时可以在本地运行,但是,当我将Flex应用程序指向虚拟主机帐户上的已部署版本时,出现NetConnection错误,特别:

Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. 错误#2044:未处理的NetStatusEvent :。 level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.BadVersion 级别=错误,代码= NetConnection.Call.BadVersion

Inspecting request/response reveals the NetConnection call is just returning the gateway.aspx html content. 检查请求/响应显示NetConnection调用只是返回gateway.aspx html内容。 It seems like the remote site must be missing some configuration value for properly handling the application/x-amf header content type. 似乎远程站点必须缺少一些配置值才能正确处理application / x-amf标头内容类型。

Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗? Help would be greatly appreciated. 帮助将不胜感激。

i faced a similar issue. 我遇到了类似的问题。

enter link description here 在此处输入链接说明

Turns out all i had to do was to make the app pool run in classic mode instead of integrated mode. 原来我要做的就是使应用程序池以经典模式而不是集成模式运行。 the issue was fixed. 该问题已解决。

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