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[英]Is the use of self-tracking entities efficient for huge and complex object graphs?

1) Since self-tracking entities do not support lazy loading, are they intended to be used with not-so-big entities graphs because of efficiency? 1)由于自跟踪实体不支持延迟加载,由于效率高,它们是否打算与不太大的实体图一起使用?

2) Which solution do you suggest instead of using self-tracking entities? 2)您建议使用哪种解决方案而不使用自我跟踪实体? DTOs? DTO?

thanks! 谢谢!

No, that's not a good conclusion. 不,那不是一个很好的结论。 Lazy loading is convenient but can also become a performance problem, with small graphs as well as big. 延迟加载很方便,但无论大小,图形大小都会变得很慢。

There is no substitute for a good design that will limit the # of records required. 好的设计无可替代,它将限制所需的记录数量。

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