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LPBYTE宏在编译时生成错误-C ++

[英]LPBYTE Macro Generates Error at Compile - C++

I have the following code that is generating an error when I try to build the application: 我有以下代码,在尝试构建应用程序时会产生错误:


typedef struct appAfDataIndIeee_tag
    integrPktHead_t head;
    BYTE flags;
    WORD dstShort;
    BYTE dstEndpoint;
    BYTE srcShort;
    BYTE srcIeee[8];
    WORD clusterId;
    BYTE afduLength;
    LPAFDU afdu;       // <-- error
} appAfDataIndIeee_t;

This is the error it generates: 这是它生成的错误:

error C2208: 'BYTE *' : no members defined using this type 错误C2208:“ BYTE *”:没有使用此类型定义的成员
error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. 错误C4430:缺少类型说明符-假定为int。 Note: C++ does not support default-int 注意:C ++不支持default-int

If I switch out LPADFU for LPBYTE it compiles successfully. 如果我将LPADFU LPBYTE则编译成功。 I would prefer to use a define or type-definition of LPADFU . 我更喜欢使用LPADFU的定义或类型定义。 Does anyone know how I can make this work? 有谁知道我该怎么做? Thanks. 谢谢。

Get rid of the semicolon at the end of your #define (it's part of the macro): #define的末尾消除分号(它是宏的一部分):


A far better way to do this, however, is to use typedef rather than #define : 但是,更好的方法是使用typedef而不是#define


The most important advantage of typedefs is that they obey scope rules. typedef的最重要的优点是它们遵守范围规则。

Remove the semicolon from your declaration of LPAFDU. 从LPAFDU声明中删除分号。


You're probably thinking of a typedef statement, which would have a semicolon. 您可能正在考虑使用typedef语句,该语句将使用分号。 With #define , the definition is inserted wherever the macro is, including your semicolon. 使用#define ,可以在宏所在的位置(包括分号)插入定义。

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