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ASP.NET MVC,“Ticket Required”属性

[英]ASP.NET MVC, 'Ticket Required' Attribute

I am attempting to build a system that allows users to perform certain actions, but their account must have a specific 'Ticket' per time they do it. 我正在尝试构建一个允许用户执行某些操作的系统,但是他们的帐户每次执行时都必须具有特定的“Ticket”。 For instance, suppose they wish to create a Product , they would need a CreateProductTicket . 例如,假设他们希望创建一个Product ,他们需要一个CreateProductTicket

I could simply do this with some 'if' statements, sure, but I want to try a bit more of a robust solution. 我可以用一些'if'语句简单地做到这一点,当然,但我想尝试一些更强大的解决方案。 My structure looks something like this... 我的结构看起来像这样......

interface ITicket<T> where T : ITicketable

My basic goal is to build an Attribute, perhaps like the following.. 我的基本目标是构建一个属性,可能如下所示。

public class TicketRequiredAttribute : Attribute
 public TicketRequiredAttribute(ITicket<T> ticket)
  if(ticket == null) 

And to be able to decorate Controller or Repository Actions with this. 并且能够用此装饰Controller Repository Actions。 So like ... 所以......

ProductsControlller ProductsControlller

public ActionResult CreateProduct(Product product)
 // ... **I am unsure how to tell if TicketRequired was true or not**

Problem 1 问题1

I'm not familiar enough with attributes to know how to tell if TicketRequired was 'met' or not. 我不熟悉属性知道如何判断TicketRequired是否“遇到”。 Can anyone enlighten me on this? 任何人都可以启发我吗?

Problem 2 问题2

The problem I am running into is with database querying. 我遇到的问题是数据库查询。 I want to be able to check the user ( IMembershipRepository has a GetUser method), but I'm not entirely certain how to do that through an attribute. 我希望能够检查用户( IMembershipRepository有一个GetUser方法),但我不完全确定如何通过属性来做到这一点。

Using Castle.Windsor , I have my Dependency Injection set up to inject repositories into controllers. 使用Castle.Windsor ,我将依赖注入设置为将存储库注入控制器。 I suppose I could pass the IMembershipRepository through the TicketRequired constructor, but I have a feeling that will become very messy - and extremely unstable. 我想我可以通过TicketRequired构造函数传递IMembershipRepository ,但我感觉会变得非常混乱 - 而且非常不稳定。 Is there a more logical way to approach this? 有没有更合乎逻辑的方法来解决这个问题?

You're almost there. 你快到了。 You can find more details at http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/understanding-action-filters-cs 您可以在http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/understanding-action-filters-cs找到更多详细信息

I would only use the attribute on the action since the website is where I do all my authorization. 我只会使用该操作的属性,因为该网站是我执行所有授权的地方。

Here is a possible solution. 这是一个可能的解决方案。 I have not tested this, but it should work. 我没有测试过这个,但它应该可以工作。 You'll need to verify the way I'm redirecting, not sure if that's the proper way. 您需要验证我重定向的方式,不确定这是否正确。

 public class TicketRequiredActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
        private Type _ticketType;

  public TicketRequiredAttribute(Type ticketType)
        _ticketRequired = ticketType;     

  public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
     UserServices userServices = GetUserServicesViaDIContainer(); // you'll need to figure out how to implement this 
     string userId = filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name
     bool hasTicket = userServices.HasTicket(_ticketType, (int)userId); // again, you'll need to figure out the exact implementation
        filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary { { "controller", "Home" }, {"action", "NoPermission" } })

In your controller: 在你的控制器中:

public ActionResult MyMethod()
    // do stuff as if the person is authorized and has the ticket

If the user doesn't have the ticket, a redirect is issues;, otherwise, continue as normal. 如果用户没有票证,则重定向是问题;否则,正常继续。

This sounds very much like user roles. 这听起来非常像用户角色。

How are you handling the user membership? 你是如何处理用户会员资格的? If your using the built-in asp.net membership you can use roles. 如果您使用内置的asp.net成员资格,则可以使用角色。 So each user will have a certain number of roles in your case one of the will be "CreateProductTicket" then you can decorate your action or controller with the Authorize attribute. 因此,每个用户在您的情况下将具有一定数量的角色,其中一个将是“CreateProductTicket”,然后您可以使用Authorize属性来装饰您的操作或控制器。 Something like: 就像是:

public ActionResult CreateProduct(Product product)

If a user doesn't have the role or is not authorized then they can access the action. 如果用户没有该角色或未经授权,则他们可以访问该操作。

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