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MSMQ - C ++或COM?

[英]MSMQ - C++ or COM?

I need to start writing some MSMQ code that will interface with WCF code on other machines. 我需要开始编写一些MSMQ代码,它将与其他机器上的WCF代码进行交互。 Does someone with MSMQ experience make recommendations about pros and cons of MSMQ using straight C++ versus using COM? 有MSMQ经验的人是否使用直接C ++而不是使用COM来提出有关MSMQ的优缺点的建议?

Actually you don't have to decide. 其实你不必决定。 You can combine. 你可以结合起来。

Here is a code sample for a full send/recv implementation. 以下是完整发送/ recv实现的代码示例。

Just let me know if you improved it... 如果你改进它,请告诉我......

h file: h文件:

#pragma once

#include <tchar.h>

// ==========================================================================
// MSMQWrapper - wrappes the COM object used to send and receive messages through the MSMQ
class CMSMQWrapper
    HANDLE m_hQ;

        ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);


    bool InitLocalQueue (const WCHAR* wczQueueName     ); // [i] .\private$\queue_name
    bool InitDestQueue  (const WCHAR* wczDestQueueName ); // [i] comp_name\private$\queue_name

    bool ReadQueue      (const WCHAR* wczQueueName    ,   // [i]
                               BYTE*  pBuf            ,   // [i]
                               size_t nBufLen         ,   // [i]
                               int&   nBytesRead       ); // [o]

    bool SendToDestQueue(const BYTE*  pBuf            ,
                               size_t nBufLen          );

cpp file: cpp文件:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "msmqwrap.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <AtlBase.h>
#import "mqoa.dll" named_guids // no_namespace

#pragma comment (lib, "Mqrt.lib")
#include "mq.h"

using namespace MSMQ;

// ==========================================================================
// CMSMQWrapper
// ==========================================================================

bool CMSMQWrapper::InitLocalQueue(const WCHAR* wczQueueName)
    CComQIPtr<IMSMQQueueInfo, &IID_IMSMQQueueInfo> ipQueueInfo;

    HRESULT hr= ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSMQQueueInfo     ,
                                   NULL                    ,
                                   CLSCTX_SERVER           ,
                                   IID_IMSMQQueueInfo      ,
                                   (void**)(&ipQueueInfo.p) );
    if (S_OK != hr)
        return false;

    hr= ipQueueInfo->put_PathName(_bstr_t(wczQueueName));
    if (S_OK != hr)
        return false;

    hr= ipQueueInfo->put_Label(_bstr_t(wczQueueName));
    if (S_OK != hr)
        return false;

    VARIANT vtFalse;
    vtFalse.vt     = VT_BOOL;
    vtFalse.boolVal= FALSE  ;

        hr= ipQueueInfo->Create(&vtFalse, &vtFalse);
    catch (_com_error& er)
        if (MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS == er.Error()) // queue already exists
            hr= S_OK;
            // report error - Failed receiving, (WCHAR*)er.Description()
            return false;

    return true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CMSMQWrapper::ReadQueue(const WCHAR* wczQueueName,  // [i]
                             BYTE*        pBuf        ,  // [i]
                             size_t       nBufLen     ,  // [i]
                             int&         nBytesRead   ) // [o]
    // set value of ReceiveTimout parameter
    _variant_t vtReceiveTimeout;
    vtReceiveTimeout= (long)INFINITE;

        IMSMQQueueInfoPtr qinfo("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo");
        qinfo->PathName= wczQueueName;

        IMSMQQueuePtr qRec;
        qRec= qinfo->Open(MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE); // open queue to retrieve message

        // retrieve messages from queue
        IMSMQMessagePtr msgRec("MSMQ.MSMQMessage");
        msgRec= qRec->Receive(&vtMissing, &vtMissing, &vtMissing, &vtReceiveTimeout);
        if (NULL == msgRec)
            nBytesRead= 0; // there are no messages in the queue
            return true;

        nBytesRead           = msgRec->BodyLength;
        _variant_t recVariant= msgRec->Body      ;

        // close queue

        SAFEARRAY* psa= recVariant.parray;
        nBytesRead    = __min(psa->rgsabound->cElements, nBufLen);

        for (LONG ind= 0; ind< nBytesRead; ind++)
            SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &ind, &pBuf[ind]);

        return true;
    catch (_com_error comerr)
        // report error - failed receiving, (WCHAR*)comerr.Description());
        return false;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CMSMQWrapper::InitDestQueue(const WCHAR* wczDestQueueName) // comp_name\private$\queue_name
    // validate the input strings
    if (NULL == wczDestQueueName)
        return false;

    // create a direct format name for the queue
    WCHAR wczFormatName[1000];
    str_cat(wczFormatName, 1000, L"DIRECT=OS:", wczDestQueueName);

    HRESULT hr;
    hr = ::MQOpenQueue(wczFormatName, MQ_SEND_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE, &m_hQ);
        return false;

    return true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CMSMQWrapper::SendToDestQueue(const BYTE* pBuf, size_t nBufLen)
    MQMSGPROPS  MsgProps         ;
    const UINT  _nProps= 1       ;
    MSGPROPID   aPropId [_nProps];
    PROPVARIANT aVariant[_nProps];

    aPropId [0]            = PROPID_M_BODY   ; // msg to send
    aVariant[0].vt         = VT_VECTOR|VT_UI1;
    aVariant[0].caub.pElems= (BYTE*)pBuf     ;
    aVariant[0].caub.cElems= nBufLen         ;

    MsgProps.cProp         = _nProps         ; // number of props to set
    MsgProps.aPropID       = aPropId         ;
    MsgProps.aPropVar      = aVariant        ;
    MsgProps.aStatus       = 0               ;

    if (MQ_OK != ::MQSendMessage(m_hQ, &MsgProps, MQ_NO_TRANSACTION))
        return false;

    return true;

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