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[英]Connecting over internet to WCF service using wsDualHttpBinding times out

Still on the WCF learning curve: 仍在WCF学习曲线上:

I've set up a self-hosted WCF Service (WSDualHttpBinding), which works fine on my own computer, which resides behind a firewall. 我已经设置了一个自托管的WCF服务(WSDualHttpBinding),它可以在我自己的计算机上运行,​​该计算机位于防火墙后面。 If I run the client on my own computer, everything works great. 如果我在自己的计算机上运行客户端,一切都很好。

Now I installed the client on a computer outside my network, and I'm trying to access the service via a dynamic DNS, like so: http://mydomain.dyndns.org:8000/MyService . 现在我将客户端安装在网络外的计算机上,我试图通过动态DNS访问该服务,如下所示: http://mydomain.dyndns.org:8000/MyServicehttp://mydomain.dyndns.org:8000/MyServicehttp://mydomain.dyndns.org:8000/MyService My port forwarding issues were taken care of in a previous question ; 我的端口转发问题在前一个问题中得到了解决 ; I can now see the service is up in my browser. 我现在可以在浏览器中看到该服务已启动。

But now when I try to run the client on the other machine, I get the following error message: "The open operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of 00:01:00. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout." 但是现在当我尝试在另一台机器上运行客户端时,我收到以下错误消息:“打开操作未在分配的超时00:01:00内完成。分配给此操作的时间可能是一部分更长的超时时间。“

I have disabled security on the service, so that's not it. 我已经禁用了服务的安全性,所以不是这样。 What else might be preventing the connection from happening? 还有什么可能阻止连接发生?

There's a real problem with WSDualHttpBinding and the way most people are connected to the internet - being behind a router means, at least with IPv4, having NAT ruin the party, as you've already discovered. WSDualHttpBinding存在一个真正的问题,也就是大多数人连接到互联网的方式 - 正如你已经发现的那样,在路由器背后意味着,至少在IPv4中,NAT会破坏聚会。

With WSDualHttpBinding , you have two connections: From the client to the server, and from the server to the client. 使用WSDualHttpBinding ,您有两个连接:从客户端到服务器,从服务器到客户端。

Usually, the client-to-server connection isn't a big deal - that's how most communication is done over the internet. 通常,客户端到服务器的连接并不是什么大问题 - 这就是通过互联网进行大多数通信的方式。 In your case, it seems that you were behind a firewall and you've opened/forwarded the needed ports. 在您的情况下,您似乎是在防火墙后面,并且您已打开/转发所需的端口。 But that doesn't solve the problem of the second connection - from the server to the client. 但这并没有解决第二次连接的问题 - 从服务器到客户端。 Basically what happens with that second connection is that the client acts as a server, and the server acts as a client. 基本上,第二个连接发生的是客户端充当服务器,服务器充当客户端。 So you need to do the same port opening/forwarding with each and every client that connects to your service, because it also acts as a server! 因此,您需要为连接到您的服务的每个客户端执行相同的端口打开/转发,因为它还充当服务器! This is of course an unreasonable demand to make of every user of your service. 这对您服务的每个用户来说当然是一种无理要求。 That's why WSDualHttpBinding is more suited to server-to-server communications, where the setup is a one-time affair. 这就是为什么WSDualHttpBinding更适合服务器到服务器的通信,其中设置是一次性的事情。

Instead of trying to get WSDualHttpBinding to work, I suggest you switch to NetTcpBinding . 我建议您切换到NetTcpBinding ,而不是尝试让WSDualHttpBinding工作。 Since both WSDualHttpBinding and NetTcpBinding are WCF-only, Microsoft-only, proprietary connection schemes, you're not losing much in the way of interoperability. 由于WSDualHttpBindingNetTcpBinding都是仅WCF,仅限Microsoft的专有连接方案,因此您在互操作性方面的损失并不大。 What you're gaining, on the other hand, is a lot: 另一方面,你获得的是很多:

  1. NetTcpBinding uses only a single connection, from the client to the server, while allowing two way communication like WSDualHttpBinding . NetTcpBinding仅使用从客户端到服务器的单个连接,同时允许双向通信,如WSDualHttpBinding So there's no need to deal with port opening/forwarding on the client side - NAT is a non-issue. 因此,无需在客户端处理端口打开/转发 - NAT不是问题。
  2. The communication protocol is binary and is more compact than the plain-text XML used in WSDualHttpBinding . 通信协议是二进制的,比WSDualHttpBinding使用的纯文本XML更紧凑。 Less data transfer means a better performing service. 较少的数据传输意味着更好的服务。
  3. With NetTcpBinding , you can get instant notification of when a client disconnects, since a socket is closed. 使用NetTcpBinding ,您可以立即获得客户端断开连接的通知,因为套接字已关闭。 No need to wait for a HTTP timeout like you do with WSDualHttpBinding . 无需像使用WSDualHttpBinding一样等待HTTP超时。
  4. A single connection means there nothing that can go out of sync - with WSDualHttpBinding , one of the two connections may drop while the other may still be active, having only one way communication. 单个连接意味着没有任何东西可以不同步 - 使用WSDualHttpBinding ,两个连接中的一个可能会丢弃而另一个可能仍处于活动状态,只有一种通信方式。 WCF has a way of dealing with that, but it's better to just avoid the issue in the first place. WCF有办法解决这个问题,但最好先避开这个问题。

Switching to NetTcpBinding usually only requires a configuration change - the code remains the same. 切换到NetTcpBinding通常只需要更改配置 - 代码保持不变。 It's simple, it's fast, it's much less of a hassle and most importantly - it just works. 这很简单,速度很快,不那么麻烦,最重要的是 - 它只是起作用。

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