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[英]Listview disable scrolling optimization

In listview when it is scrolled, the top item which is going out of scene is attached at bottom which is coming in to scene. 在列表视图中滚动时,不在场景中的顶部项被附加到进入场景的底部。

Is this behaviour fixed or we can disable this feature. 此行为是否已解决,或者我们可以禁用此功能。

In my listview, i got only 10 items so this feature is not that important to have. 在我的列表视图中,我只有10个项目,因此该功能并不是那么重要。

If you ignore the " convertView " parameter on your Adapter.getView() , the old view will not be used, but it will be regenerated when you scroll back. 如果您忽略Adapter.getView()上的“ convertView ”参数,则将不使用旧视图,但在向后滚动时将重新生成该视图。

If you don't want this behavior, use a LinearLayout. 如果您不希望出现这种情况,请使用LinearLayout。

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