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[英]Start-Process gives error

Here's the code 这是代码

$tool =  "E:\Experiments\Popup\latest\xperf.exe"
$toolOutput =  "XPerfOutput.log"
$toolError = "XPerfError.log"
$command = "-stop"

$x = Start-Process -FilePath $tool -ArgumentList $command -RedirectStandardOutput $toolOutput -RedirectStandardError $toolError -WindowStyle Hidden -PassThru -Wait  

And Here's there error: 这里有错误:

Start-Process : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters. At E:\Experiments\Popup\asd.ps1:9 char:1
+ Start-Process -FilePath $tool -ArgumentList $command -RedirectStandardOutput $toolOutput RedirectStandardError $toolError -WindowStyle Hidden
-PassThru -Wait
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Start-Process], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand

I want to run the process in a hidden window, wait for it to return and get the error, output and exit code. 我想在隐藏窗口中运行该进程,等待它返回并获取错误,输出和退出代码。

According to the documentation for Start-Process , the combination of the redirection parameters (RedirectStandardOutput and RedirectStandardError) and the WindowStyle parameter is invalid since they exist in separate parameter sets . 根据Start-Process文档,重定向参数(RedirectStandardOutput和RedirectStandardError)和WindowStyle参数的组合无效,因为它们存在于单独的参数集中

This means that they cannot be used together. 这意味着它们不能一起使用。 This is why you're receiving that particular error. 这就是您收到该特定错误的原因。

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