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[英]What's the best way to communicate data between java services and .net clients?

We have what I think is a fairly typical client/server architecture, with a frontend written in .NET, displaying data sent from a backend written in Java. 我认为我们是一个相当典型的客户端/服务器体系结构,其前端使用.NET编写,显示从Java编写的后端发送的数据。

Currently, we use a custom message-based framework for transmitting data snapshots and updates down to clients. 当前,我们使用基于消息的自定义框架将数据快照和更新传输到客户端。 This might be upgraded; 这可能会升级; although the basic java service/.net client setup is set in stone, we want to look at replacements for the message framework, for example WPF MVVM (with an eye on Sliverlight), with databindings to java web-services, or perhaps Coherence. 尽管基本的Java服务/.net客户端设置是一成不变的,但我们希望查看消息框架的替代品,例如WPF MVVM(着眼于Sliverlight),并带有与Java Web服务的数据绑定,或者可能是Coherence。

I was wondering what experiences others have had with this and other approaches (obviously there's no golden bullet for all situations...). 我想知道其他人对这种方法和其他方法有什么经验(显然,在所有情况下都没有万灵丹……)。

Our requirements are that the clients can show large, frequently updating and editable datasets, primarily in grids. 我们的要求是客户可以显示大型,频繁更新和可编辑的数据集,主要是在网格中。

Update I've accepted that REST/SOAP is the standard way to do it, but I'd still be interested to hear any other approaches, especially from a performance point of view. 更新我已经接受了REST / SOAP是执行此操作的标准方法,但是我仍然想听听其他方法,特别是从性能的角度。

Web services is the most common choice: Web服务是最常见的选择:

  • RESTful service - more flexible, no strictly defined schema RESTful服务-更灵活,没有严格定义的架构
  • SOAP service - rigid schema, less flexible SOAP服务-刚性模式,灵活性较差

Checkout protobuf ,这是一个很好的平台不可知协议。

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