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[英]How to close a window.open

I know that you can close a window.open with window.close but is there another way. 我知道您可以使用window.close关闭window.open,但是还有另一种方法。 I have a popup that opens facebook connect and i want to shut the popup whenever the user connects to facebook and then refresh the parent window...I thought in the past i used 我有一个打开Facebook Connect的弹出窗口,我想在用户连接到Facebook时关闭弹出窗口,然后刷新父窗口...我以为我过去使用过

TARGET = "_top"

here is my code 这是我的代码

  $('#signin_menu a').click(function (){
  $('#signin_menu a').attr("href"),
    return false;


$('#signin_menu a').attr("href")

is equal to 等于


So How do i close this popup 那么我如何关闭这个弹出窗口

You can use close() method of created popup that is returned by the open() method as object: 您可以使用open()方法作为对象返回的已创建弹出窗口的close()方法:

var myPopup;

    $('#signin_menu a').click(function (){

        myPopup = window.open(
            $('#signin_menu a').attr("href"),

        return false;

To close do the following: 要关闭,请执行以下操作:




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