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[英]Adding dynamic data to a table

I've the following table in my application. 我的应用程序中有下表。 I've a ajax request which will fetch the results to be shown in the table. 我有一个ajax请求,它将获取要在表中显示的结果。 How add these results to the table without overriding the header every time? 如何将这些结果添加到表中而不每次都覆盖标题?

<table id="itemList">

Then the ajax data is as shown below 然后ajax数据如下图

var items = [
    { Name: "Apple", Price: "80", Quantity : "3", Total : "240" },
    { Name: "Orance", Price: "50", Quantity : "4", Total : "200" },
    { Name: "Banana", Price: "20", Quantity : "8", Total : "160" },
    { Name: "Cherry", Price: "250", Quantity : "10", Total : "2500" }

Now I'm trying something like this but it is not working 现在,我正在尝试类似的方法,但是它不起作用

var rows = "";
$.each(items, function(){
    rows += "<tr><td>" + this.Name + "</td><td>" + this.Price + "</td><td>" + this.Quantity + "</td><td>" + this.Total + "</td></tr>";

$( "#itemList" ).text('<tr><td>Name</td><td>Price</td><td>Quantity-</td><td>Total</td></tr>' + rows  );

You can solve this by making two changes. 您可以通过进行两项更改来解决此问题。

You can modify you html as 您可以将HTML修改为

<table id="itemList">

And Script as 和脚本为

var rows = "";
$.each(items, function(){
    rows += "<tr><td>" + this.Name + "</td><td>" + this.Price + "</td><td>" + this.Quantity + "</td><td>" + this.Total + "</td></tr>";

$( rows ).appendTo( "#itemList tbody" );

You can find a working solution here . 您可以在这里找到可行的解决方案。

But a jquery plugin called templates is built for this purpose. 但是为此目的构建了一个名为模板的jQuery插件。

Using jquery templates it can be solved as given below 使用jquery模板可以解决如下

        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.js"></script>
        <script src="http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery.templates/beta1/jquery.tmpl.js"></script>
        <script id="itemTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">

        <table id="itemList">

        <script type="text/javascript">
                var items = [
                    { Name: "Apple", Price: "80", Quantity : "3", Total : "240" },
                    { Name: "Orance", Price: "50", Quantity : "4", Total : "200" },
                    { Name: "Banana", Price: "20", Quantity : "8", Total : "160" },
                    { Name: "Cherry", Price: "250", Quantity : "10", Total : "2500" }

                $( "#itemTemplate" ).tmpl( items ).appendTo( "#itemList tbody" );

But if you are further interested you go deep into some other plugins like dataTables or jqgrid which are quite good grid data frameworks using jQuery. 但是,如果您进一步感兴趣,则可以深入研究其他一些插件,例如dataTablesjqgrid ,它们是使用jQuery的很好的网格数据框架。

As you are working with JQuery, check out the JQuery Temaplate . 在使用JQuery时,请查看JQuery Temaplate Might look like little convoluted but it would be a better approach, IMO. IMO看起来似乎有些混乱,但这将是更好的方法。

Welcome to 2011! 欢迎来到2011! Happy New Year! 新年快乐! We live in a wonderful and exciting time! 我们生活在一个美好而激动人心的时代! No more does a web developer ever have to worry about the details of manually building a table again... ever. Web开发人员再也不必担心手动重新构建表的细节了……。

http://datatables.net/ will solve just about any problem you could possibly conceive. http://datatables.net/将解决您可能想到的任何问题。 The developers of this plug-in have thought of it all. 该插件的开发人员已经考虑了这一切。 They've solved this problem so that you don't have to, which allows you to focus on your business goals. 他们已经解决了这个问题,因此您不必这样做,这使您可以专注于业务目标。

I can't emphasize enough how powerful this JQuery plug-in is. 我不能足够强调这个JQuery插件的功能。 Please take a look at all of the numerous examples on their site. 请查看其网站上的所有众多示例。 They even have an example of how to dynamically add a row: http://datatables.net/examples/api/add_row.html . 他们甚至提供了有关如何动态添加行的示例: http : //datatables.net/examples/api/add_row.html

Disclaimer: I had nothing to do with the development of DataTables. 免责声明:我与DataTables的开发无关。 I'm just really excited about it because it's made my life so much easier. 我真的很兴奋,因为它使我的生活变得更加轻松。

The Table structure was wrong, need to use <tbody> and <thead> , here is a working fiddle . Table结构错误,需要使用<tbody><thead>这是一个有效的小提琴

<table id="itemList">

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