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[英]Facebox preloader doesn't show properly

I've tried as suggested from http://groups.google.com/group/facebox/browse_thread/thread/7f9a27e078998ddb but it still won't work. 我已经尝试按照http://groups.google.com/group/facebox/browse_thread/thread/7f9a27e078998ddb的建议进行操作,但仍然无法正常工作。

I changed the preloader image to direct path eg http://example.com/css/facebox/ajax-loader.gif 我将预加载器映像更改为直接路径,例如http://example.com/css/facebox/ajax-loader.gif

Even if you go to their website http://chriswanstrath.com/facebox/ the preloader image doesn't show. 即使您访问他们的网站http://chriswanstrath.com/facebox/ ,也不会显示预加载器图像。

Hmmm, I don't really use facebox but having a quick look at the source code, it seems that the plugin is in the process of major upgrade and still not stable (maybe the whole 1.3), here are my comments: 嗯,我并没有真正使用facebox,而是快速浏览了源代码,看来该插件正在进行重大升级,并且仍然不稳定(也许是整个1.3),这是我的评论:

  1. It seems that the plugin was using a CSS rounded corners boxes technique and now it's using CSS properties (but the source code still contains code from the old technique). 似乎该插件使用了CSS圆角框技术,现在使用的是CSS属性(但源代码仍然包含旧技术的代码)。
  2. a quick hack I made was changing line 106 in the facebox.js file from: 快速我做了改变line 106从facebox.js文件:
    $('#facebox .body').children().hide().end().
    to: 至:
    $('#facebox .content').children().hide().end().

Please try it and give me your feedback, and please keep following the developer for any updates! 请尝试一下并给我您的反馈,请继续关注开发人员以获取任何更新!

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