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MS的WebsiteSpark是否包括Windows 7下载?

[英]Does MS's WebsiteSpark include Windows 7 downloads?

We are a Linux/Mac shop, being asked to do some .NET coding. 我们是一家Linux / Mac商店,被要求做一些.NET编码。 We've got a couple licenses lying around for XP that we use to test out sites in IE. 我们拥有XP的几个许可证,可用于测试IE中的网站。

We are thinking we might want to get some boxes with full blown Windows 7, so we can install VS2010 and all the snazzy tools. 我们认为我们可能希望获得一些配备完整Windows 7的包装盒,以便我们可以安装VS2010和所有时髦的工具。

From the website, it seems like WebsiteSpark includes a subscription to MSDN. 从网站看来,WebsiteSpark似乎包含对MSDN的订阅。 And MSDN includes software downloads, including Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate, right? 而且MSDN包括软件下载,包括Windows 7 Pro或Ultimate,对吗?

不可以,WebsiteSpark不随Windows 7一起提供,当前您只能获得Windows Server 2008和Windows Server 2008 R2。

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