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[英]JavaScript, transform object into array

I've got an object:我有一个对象:

var obj = {
    "Mike": 24,
    "Peter": 23,
    "Simon": 33,
    "Tom": 12,
    "Frank": 31

I want to create an array that holds the values of the object.我想创建一个保存对象值的数组。 The keys (key names) can be disregarded:可以忽略键(键名):

[24, 23, 33, 12, 31]

The order of the values is NOT important!值的顺序并不重要!

One solution (obviously) would be do have a function that takes the values and puts them into an array:一个解决方案(显然)是有一个函数来获取值并将它们放入一个数组中:

var arr = valuesToArray(obj); 

I will accept such a function as the answer.我会接受这样的功能作为答案。 However, I would be more pleased if there would be an API function (ECMAScript, jQuery, browser-specific, ...) that could do this.但是,如果有一个 API 函数(ECMAScript、jQuery、特定于浏览器,...)可以做到这一点,我会更高兴。 Is there such a thing?有这样的事情吗?

The obvious way would be to do a for-in loop, as @quixoto suggests, but just for the record, and since you are looking for a built-in way, you could pair the new ECMAScript 5 methods Object.keys and Array.prototype.map , available on latest browsers :显而易见的方法是执行 for-in 循环,正如@quixoto 所建议的那样,但只是为了记录,而且由于您正在寻找一种内置方式,您可以将新的 ECMAScript 5 方法Object.keysArray配对。 prototype.map ,可在最新浏览器上使用

function valuesToArray(obj) {
  return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return obj[key]; });

UPDATE : ES2017 introduced the Object.values method, which does exactly what you want.更新:ES2017 引入了Object.values方法,它完全符合您的要求。

Additionally, ES2017 adds another often useful method, Object.entries .此外,ES2017 添加了另一个常用方法Object.entries This method returns an array of key-value pairs .此方法返回一个键值对数组。

 const obj = { "Mike": 24, "Peter": 23, "Simon": 33, "Tom": 12, "Frank": 31 }; const values = Object.values(obj); const entries = Object.entries(obj); console.log('values:', values); console.log('entries:', entries);


Object.values(obj) // [24, 23, 33, 12, 31]

There's no built-in way to do this anywhere.没有内置的方法可以在任何地方执行此操作。 The following does what you suggest, and may be "shortened" into more clever functional-programming versions depending on your library, but they'll all have the same efficiency.以下按照您的建议进行操作,并且可能会根据您的库被“缩短”为更聪明的函数式编程版本,但它们都具有相同的效率。

function valuesToArray(obj) {
    var result = [];
    for (var key in obj) {
       if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    return result;

With jQuery you could use the each function:使用 jQuery,您可以使用 each 函数:

var obj = {
    "Mike": 24,
    "Peter": 23,
    "Simon": 33,
    "Tom": 12,
    "Frank": 31

myArray=new Array();
$.each(obj, function(key, value) { 

Posting this strictly for fun.发布此严格为了好玩。 Save your downvotes.保存您的反对票。 I'm not recommending it actually be used.我不建议实际使用它。 ;o) ;o)

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/WGpXX/示例: http : //jsfiddle.net/WGpXX/

var arr = eval( '[' +
    + ']');

Technically works in this simple case.在这种简单的情况下,技术上可行。

Using the Underscore lib try:使用下划线库尝试:

function valuesToArray(o) {
    return _.pairs(o);

var obj = {
    "Mike": 24,
    "Peter": 23
    result = valuesToArray(obj);

Then the result is [ ["Mike", 24], ["Peter", 23] ];那么结果是 [ ["Mike", 24], ["Peter", 23] ];

More detail on the pairs method here: http://underscorejs.org/#pairs关于pairs方法的更多细节: http : //underscorejs.org/#pairs

Using bob.js this can be done pretty simply:使用bob.js这可以非常简单地完成:

function valuesToArray(obj) {
    return bob.collections.extensions.toArray.call(obj);

Try this:尝试这个:

var obj = {     "Mike": 24,     "Peter": 23,     "Simon": 33,     "Tom": 12,     "Frank": 31 } ;
    var arr = []
    for(var a in obj)
        var val = obj[a];

Some libraries have something to do this (such as prototype's "values" function), but they're really just wrappers around a function that loops over and returns the values of the object.一些库可以做到这一点(例如原型的“值”函数),但它们实际上只是一个函数的包装器,该函数循环并返回对象的值。

http://www.prototypejs.org/api/object/values http://www.prototypejs.org/api/object/values

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