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如何在drupal 6模块中添加删除链接/按钮选项?

[英]how can i add a delete link/button option in a drupal 6 module?

$block_content = l('delete', 'onthisdate/'.$links->cid);

I have used this l() function to create a delete link but after clicking this delete link how can i delete a data from my database. 我已经使用此l()函数创建了一个删除链接,但是单击此删除链接后,如何从数据库中删除数据。 I want to delete data for $cid that means if $cid=1 then row 1 will be deleted. 我要删除$cid数据,这意味着如果$cid=1则将删除第1行。 I will wait for your easiest answer please. 我将等待您最简单的回答。

You need to create a hook_menu implementation in your module that maps the 'onthisdate/%cid' URL to a function to handle the database deletion, similar to the example below from the User Badges module : 您需要在模块中创建一个hook_menu实现,该实现将'onthisdate /%cid'URL映射到处理数据库删除的功能,类似于下面的用户徽章模块示例:

$items['admin/user/user_badges/delete/%'] = array(
  'title' => 'Delete badge',
  'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
  'page arguments' => array('user_badges_delete_form', 4),
  'access arguments' => $access,
  'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  'file' => 'user_badges.admin.inc',

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