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单击带有javascript / jquery的链接时显示表单字段

[英]show form field on clicking a link with javascript/jquery

How can I show a form field by clicking a link , i want to show the field (with jquery/javascript) on samee place of link, so that link disappears and form box appears? 如何通过单击链接显示表单字段,我想在链接的相同位置显示该字段(使用jquery / javascript),以便链接消失并显示表单框? Thanks. 谢谢。

Hey, here's a simple example: 嘿,这是一个简单的例子:


.myclassname .form{display:none;}


<div class="myclassname">
   <a href="#" class="mylink">Link</a>
   <div class="form">
      <input type="text" value="" name="myinput" id="myinput"/>

jQuery: jQuery的:

   $('.myclassname .mylink').click(function(){
      $('.myclassname .form').show();
      return false;

Cheers 干杯

G. G。

Put the link in a div-element. 将链接放在div元素中。 On clicking the link, empty the div and append the form box . 单击链接后, 清空 div并添加 表单框

Here is the simple code by using HTML and JavaScript. 这是使用HTML和JavaScript的简单代码。

<a href="#" id="mylink" onclick="myfunction();">MY</a>
<div id="myform" style="display:none">
        <input type="text">
        <input type="submit">
    function myfunction(){
    document.getElementById("myform").style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("mylink").style.display = "none";

Thank's 谢谢

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