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2d条形码与1d条形码 - 速度,准确度,大小

[英]2d Barcode vs 1d barcode - speed, accuracy, size

I wanted to implement barcode for one of my mobile project requirements. 我想为我的一个移动项目要求实现条形码。 The amount of data that is to be stored is very little (<25 alpha-numeric). 要存储的数据量非常小(<25字母数字)。 I want to know if its wiser to implement a 1d barcode or a 2d barcode (Qr code particularly) for this project. 我想知道为这个项目实现1d条形码或2d条形码(特别是Qr代码)是否更明智。 I would be really glad if someone could educate me on the following aspects from a 1d vs 2d perspective: 如果有人可以从1d vs 2d的角度教育我以下几个方面,我会很高兴的:

  1. scanning speed 扫描速度
  2. size (minimum display size that is needed, for the mobile camera to recognize -- this is more crucual) 尺寸(移动相机识别所需的最小显示尺寸 - 这更加苛刻)
  3. accuracy 准确性

Considered from a typical processing and SDK perspective (zxing preferably). 从典型的处理和SDK角度考虑(最好是zxing)。

I'd go with a qr code, particularly if you're planning on using a phone camera. 我会使用二维码,特别是如果你打算使用手机摄像头的话。 qr codes have features (finders) that make things like perspective correction easier/more reliable. qr代码具有功能(查找器),使透视校正更容易/更可靠。 They also have ECC that enables eliminating false positives and correcting various amounts of bit detection errors. 它们还具有ECC,可以消除误报并纠正各种位检测错误。 If you look at the zxing test suite, you'll find a number of false positive 1D cases since many 1D codes don't have even a checksum. 如果你看一下zxing测试套件,你会发现许多误报1D案例,因为许多1D代码甚至没有校验和。

Speed's probably not an issue for either case if you know what you're trying to scan. 如果你知道你要扫描什么,速度可能不是两种情况的问题。 The biggest computational cost in zxing is going through all possible codes when you don't know what you're looking for. 当您不知道自己在寻找什么时,zxing最大的计算成本是通过所有可能的代码。 If you know the code type, it's not likely to be significantly different. 如果你知道代码类型,它可能不会有很大的不同。

The only thing about size is the number of pixels that have to be captured. 关于大小的唯一事情是必须捕获的像素数。 In other words, a small code can be read if you hold the camera close to the code. 换句话说,如果您将相机靠近代码,则可以读取小代码。 A large code can be read from further away. 可以从更远的地方读取大代码。 All this is subject to light conditions, camera focus (or lack there of), and camera brightness adjustment. 所有这些都取决于光线条件,相机对焦(或缺少)以及相机亮度调节。 I can't see how any of these would impact 1D vs 2D though. 我看不出这些会如何影响1D vs 2D。

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