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[英]Is there some code that I can use to filter through strings to put escape characters in front of invalid MySQL characters?

I'm building a comment section on my website and I need to be able to filter through strings and escape invalid characters? 我正在网站上建立评论部分,我需要能够过滤字符串并转义无效字符吗?

Is there any code that can automate this and return a string with escape characters properly placed? 是否有任何代码可以自动执行此操作并返回正确放置转义符的字符串?

I use PHP btw. 我使用PHP btw。

您需要mysql_real_escape_string() ,或将您的参数与PDO等绑定。

使用内置的msyql_函数: mysql_real_escape_string

Using bound variables is generally better practice than just escaping a string. 使用绑定变量通常比仅转义字符串更好。

First I'll parrot the party line that you should really consider learning to use a database abstraction layer or ORM as this will be better in the long term. 首先,我将模仿您应该真正考虑学习使用数据库抽象层或ORM的观点,因为从长远来看这会更好。 I'll leave the holy wars about which package to user for this (and the merits of PDO, etc..) to someone else. 我将把与之相关的软件包(以及PDO的优点等)留给其他人使用。

If you're using a recent version of PHP you should have the MySQLi (MySQL improved extension). 如果您使用的是最新版本的PHP,则应安装MySQLi(MySQL改进的扩展名)。 This extension allows bound parameters as explained here: 此扩展允许绑定参数,如下所述:

http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-param.php http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-param.php

Also note that while escaping a string is a good start, it's NOT enough. 还要注意,虽然转义字符串是一个好的开始,但这还不够。

see: Is htmlentities() and mysql_real_escape_string() enough for cleaning user input in PHP? 参见: htmlentities()和mysql_real_escape_string()是否足以清理PHP中的用户输入?

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