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[英]Why my JQuery doesn't load on IE?

I did this javascript quiz : http://utbm.trunat.fr/CIP/quiz/ 我做了这个javascript测验: http//utbm.trunat.fr/CIP/quiz/

It works on normal browser but doesn't even load with Internet Explorer. 它适用于普通浏览器,但甚至不能加载Internet Explorer。

It seams that it doesn't recognize the initQuiz() function. 它接缝不能识别initQuiz()函数。

Do you have any idea of how I can fix this ? 你知道我怎么解决这个问题吗?

  • Internet Explorer doesn't accept the trailing comma: Internet Explorer不接受尾随逗号:

     question = {'texte': $(this).attr("texte"), 'sound': $(this).attr("sound"),} 
  • Apparently, another error comes from this line: 显然,另一个错误来自这一行:


    Turns out you can't set the title like that in IE . 事实证明你不能在IE中设置标题 Use document.title = QUIZ_TITLE[lang] instead. 请改用document.title = QUIZ_TITLE[lang]

  • A third error is that you're introducing a new variable, question without the var keyword, which is an error in IE. 第三个错误是,你推出一个新的变量, question没有var关键字,这是在IE错误。 You're doing it again, later on, in response . 你以后再做一遍,作为response Update your loadXML as such: 像这样更新你的loadXML

     function loadXML(xml) { $(xml).find("question").each(function() { var question = {'texte': $(this).attr("texte"), 'sound': $(this).attr("sound")}; reponses = []; $(this).find('carre').find('reponse').each(function() { var reponse = {'texte': $(this).text(), 'sound': $(this).attr("sound"), 'bonne': false}; if($(this).attr('bonne') == "vrai") reponse['bonne'] = true; reponses.push(reponse); }); question['reponses'] = reponses; questions.push(question); }); startGame(questions); } 
  • A fourth error is in the way you're verifying that an answer is correct. 第四个错误是您验证答案是否正确的方式。

     if($(this).attr('data-type') == 'true') 

    You compare the value of the data-type attribute to the string value "true" , but when you assign the value, you set it to the boolean value true : 您将data-type属性的值与字符串值"true" ,但是在分配值时,将其设置为布尔值true

     $('#r'+(i+1)+'input').attr('data-type', r.bonne); 

    To make sure that you're always comparing string values, for instance, you could set the value as such: 例如,要确保始终比较字符串值,可以将值设置为:

     $('#r'+(i+1)+'input').attr('data-type', r.bonne.toString()); 

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