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[英]Change style display for cells with Javascript

I want to do something like this: user selects one radio button (lock,delete or compare). 我想做这样的事情:用户选择一个单选按钮(锁定,删除或比较)。 I want to show to him only the relevant column from the table. 我只想向他显示表中的相关列。 (each option has different column). (每个选项都有不同的列)。 The table is ajax. 该表是ajax。 I guess i need to change the display style for every cell but i don't know how. 我想我需要更改每个单元的显示样式,但是我不知道如何。

Here is example: 这是示例:

Here i want to change the display of the cells 在这里我想更改单元格的显示

function ButtonForTbl(value) {
 var x=document.getElementById("audithead").rows[0].cells;
 if (value == "lock"){
 document.getElementById('lock').checked = true;
 //something like for(...)lockCell.style.display=''
 //something like for(...)deleteCell.style.display='none'
 //something like for(...)compareCell.style.display='none'
 else if(value == "delete"){
 document.getElementById('delete').checked = true;
 //something like for(...)lockCell.style.display='none'
 //something like for(...)deleteCell.style.display=''
 //something like for(...)compareCell.style.display='none'
 document.getElementById('compare').checked = true;

I guess i need something like that: 我想我需要这样的东西:

for (i = 0; i < deleteCell.length; i++)
deleteCell[i].style.display='' = true ;

The table: 桌子:

oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1);
oCell.setAttribute('id','comCell' );
oCell.setAttribute('align', 'center');
oCell.innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' id='com' value='"+ ind +   "'name='com[]'>";

oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1);
oCell.setAttribute('id','lockCell' );
oCell.setAttribute('align', 'center');
oCell.innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' id='lock' value='"+ ind +   "'name='lock[]'>";

Radio buttons: 单选按钮:

<input type="radio" value="compare" id="compare" name="choose" onclick="ButtonForTbl(this.value)"/> Compare&nbsp;
<input type="radio" value="delete" id="delete" name="choose" onclick="ButtonForTbl(this.value)"/> Delete&nbsp;
<input type="radio" value="lock" id="lock" name="choose" onclick="ButtonForTbl(this.value)"/> Lock<br/>

The table html: 表格html:

 <table class="auditable">
   <thead id="audithead">

 <tbody id="auditTblBody">

EDIT: Full row is like that: 编辑:全行是这样的:

<td align="center" id="lockCell" style="display: none;">
<input type="checkbox" onclick="" name="lock[]" value="1500" id="lock"></td>
<td align="center" id="delCell" style="display: none;">
<input type="checkbox" name="del[]" value="1500"></td>
<td align="center" id="comCell">
<input type="checkbox" onclick="setChecks(this)" name="com[]" value="1500" id="com"></td>
<td width="65px">100%    1/1</td><td width="105px">2011-01-10 17:47:37</td>

Thank you so much! 非常感谢!

You can do the same thing with a div or any other element. 您可以使用div或任何其他元素执行相同的操作。 The javascript would look like: javascript看起来像:

<script language='javascript'>
<!-- //
function setProperties(obj)
if(obj.value == "yes")
document.mydiv.style.display = "block";
} else {
document.mydiv.style.display = "none";
// -->

And in the body: 在体内:

<input type=radio name="update" value="yes" checked onclick="setProperties(this)">Yes<br />
<input type=radio name="update" value="no" onclick="setProperties(this)">No<br />
<div id='mydiv'>some text here</div>

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